BISC 220 Cell Biology

Light microscopy

Visible light is passed through a specimen and then through glass lenses

Electron microsopes

scanning electron microscopes and transmission electron microscopes

cell fractionation

cells apart and separates the major organelles from one another

Basic features of all cells

- Plasma membrane
- Semifluid substance
- Chromosomes (carry genes)
- Ribosomes (make proteins)

Plasma membrane

A selective barrier at the surface of cells that regulates the passage of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes to service the volume of every cell.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Rough: has membrane bound ribosomes important for synthesis of proteins destined for other compartments or for secretion
Smooth: devoid of ribosomes, important for synthetic, metabolic, and storage functions

Golgi apparatus

Modifies and sorts proteins delivered to it from ER


Location of protein synthesis
( Either free in cytosol or bound to rough ER or nuclear envelope)


Provides structure to the cell and mediates cell movements (microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules)


- Only in animal cells
- Involved in cell division (mitosis & meiosis).
- Location of the initiation of the growth of microtubules


Only in animal cells
Involved in cell motility
Composed of a cluster of microtubules in an extension of the plasma membrane.


Increase surface area of the cell.
Helps to increase rate of uptake of molecules from extracellular space.

Central vacuole

only in plant cells, storage, hydrolysis of macromolecules


only in plant cells, photosynthesis


Cytoplasmic channels between adjoining cells


only in animal cells
enzyme-filled vesicle that digests ingested molecules

importance of pH in cell organelles

allows enzymes to function in an isolated environment. enzymes mostly require low pH

ionic gradients in cell organelles

generation of ATP in mitochondria requires an ionic gradient that is established across the mitochondrial inner membrane


consists of ribosomes and ribosomal RNA (site of synthesis of ribosomes)


Consists of DNA and its associated proteins
- in particular a group of proteins called histones around which the DNA is wound. IN addition, there are many regulatory proteins that function in controlling gene expression.

Smooth ER

Synthesize lipids
Metabolize carbohydrates
Detoxify drugs and poisons
Store calcium ions

Where Do Newly Synthesized Proteins Go?

are released outside the cell.
are inserted into the plasma membrane.
become part of an organelle.
remain in the cytoplasm as soluble proteins.