Biology Lecture Chapter 8

Multicellular organisms begin life as a

single cell

Humans become trillions of cells because of

cellular reproduction

Asexual reproduction

Doesn't require sperm or egg Required in sexual reproduction


cell duplicates its contents (including DNA and organelles)

Cell division

Parent cell contents divides into two daughter cells

DNA replication

is the copying of DNA.

DNA is periodically wound around histones to form


How many chromosomes do humans have?


Just before cell division chromatin condenses into


Duplicated chromosomes are composed of

sister chromatids joined at the centromere.


Chromosomes consist of subunits that are composed of DNA and histones.


Beads on a string that has nucleosomes

Does each sister chromatid have different DNA or identical?


The Cell Cycle divided into three stages

G1 stage before DNA replication
- Cell doubles organelles
-Accumlates materials for DNA synthesis
- Makes decision whether to divide or not
Or it go can into
G0 arrested does not go on to divide
- This is cardiac arrest
S - DNA synthesis
- Results in each

The cell cycle
