
Asexual reproduction

reproduction that does not require a partner, results in identical organisms


A liver cell with 50 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. How many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell?


A gamete of an organism whose diploid number is 40 undergoes meiosis. How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have?

crossing over

What is this process called?

Prophase I (homologous pair pair up to form tetrads and cross-over)

Which step of meiosis is this?

anaphase II (notice there are TWO cells undergoing anaphase. One division has already occurred and each daughter cell will go through PMAT)

Which step of meiosis is this?

sexual reproduction

reproduction that results from combining genetic material from two individuals.


type of cell division that results in 4 daughter cells that each have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

homologous pairs

A pair of chromosomes of the same type, one from each parent.


A cell containing two full sets of chromosomes (one from father and one from mother). In humans, the diploid number is 46.


A cell containing a single set of chromosomes (one of each kind - half) In humans, the haploid number is 23


A haploid male or female sex cell (e.g. sperm and egg)


Male sex cell in animals. It is haploid and has a tail.


Female sex cell in animals.


a section of the DNA (chromosome) that codes for a specific trait (e.g. eye color or hair color)

crossing over

when homologous chromosomes exchange genes during Prophase 1 creating new mixture of parent traits in their offspring

Meiosis I

PMAT I: The first cell division of meiosis when the homologous pairs are split up into two separate cells.

Meiosis II

PMAT II: The second cell division of meiosis. This is when the sister chromatids are split up into two separate cells.

Meiosis II

No DNA replication during this division, results in 4 haploid daughter cells at the end


The last phase after Telophase.


Produces identical BODY cells


Produces unique SEX cells