DA: Anthro 1L Patel Final study Guide MC

1. All mammals have ________ cervical vertebrae.
a. six
b. seven
c. eight
d. nine
e. none of these


2. This term designates animals in which the backbone is parallel to the ground.
a. quadrupedal
b. bipedal
c. pronograde
d. A and C only
e. all of these


3. This suture divides the two halves of the frontal bone in young primates; in humans, it fuses at one or two years of age.
a. Coronal suture
b. Saggital suture
c. Metopic suture
d. Occipital suture
e. Frontal suture


4. Which of the following nitrogenous bases in not found in DNA?
a. Uracil
b. Guanine
c. Thymine
d. Adenine
e. Cytosine


5. This type of cell division occurs in the testes of males and ovaries of females whereby a specialized somatic (diploid) cell divides and produces daughter cells that develop into gametes?
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. achondroplasia
d. phenylketonuria
e. no


6. Which of the following terms designates a primate suborder that includes monkeys, apes, and humans?
a. Proconsul
b. Plesiadapis
c. Strepsirhini
d. Haplorhini
e. none of these


7. These are proteins formed by the body's immune system in response to specific invading antigens.
a. clade
b. codon
c. hemoglobin
d. anticodon
e. antibodies


8. If you turn your hand so that the palm is facing down, that is known as __________.
a. palmnation
b. supination
c. pronation
d. abduction
e. extension


9. A normal human gamete cell has how many chromosomes?
a. 23
b. 46
c. 22
d. 11
e. none of the above


10. This term indicates a benign bone tumor, sometimes caused by trauma, and often appearing on the cranium and mandible.
a. Osteoporosis
b. Osteomyelitis
c. Osteosarcoma
d. Osteoma
e. Osteometry


11. _______ is a point of reference in a fingerprint. It is also called the Delta due to its exhibiting a triangular form similar to the Greek letter.
a. triradius
b. trisomy
c. torus
d. tarsier
e. none of the above


12. The term evolution refers to:
a. changes in the genetic make-up of a population from one generation to the next.
b. the process of biological specialization.
c. genetic changes within populations, but not the appearance of new species.
d. a response o


13. Which specialty focuses specifically on the study of skeletal material?
a. Paleoanthropology
b. Osteology
c. Molecular anthropology
d. Forensic anthropology
e. Paleopathology


14. Primatology is the study of:
a. the beginnings of human evolution.
b. human skeletal material.
c. skeletal remains at crime scenes.
d. diseases in earlier human groups.
e. the biology and behavior of nonhuman primates.


15. ________ is the subdiscipline of osteology that is concerned with disease and trauma in earlier populations.
a. Forensic anthropology
b. Primatology
c. Anthropometry
d. Paleoanthropology
e. Paleopathology


16. Who uses anthropological techniques to assist in crime investigations and to identify skeletal remains in cases of disaster?
a. Paleoanthropologists
b. Primatologists
c. Archaeologists
d. Cultural anthropologists
e. Forensic anthropologists


17. What is a hypothesis?
a. It is a statement that has been proven to be true.
b. It is equivalent to a theory.
c. It is a provisional statement regarding certain scientific facts or observations.
d. It is proof of a theory and occurs after testing a the


18. What is the initial step in the scientific method?
a. Form a theory
b. Form a hypothesis
c. Perform an experiment
d. Publish a scientific article
e. Collect data under precise conditions


19. Charles Darwin was not the only one to conceive of natural selection. Who also published an article suggesting current species were descended from other species?
a. Jean Baptiste Lamarck
b. Erasmus Darwin
c. Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon
d. Alfred R


20. Natural selection merged with the work of __________ in the 20th century began to open up our understanding of evolutionary theory.
a. Erasmus Darwin
b. Alfred Russel Wallace
c. Gregor Mendel
d. Charles Lyell
e. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck


21. The fact that individuals who possess favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than those who possess less favorable traits is the basis for which theory?
a. Uniformitarianism
b. Natural selection
c. The inheritance of acquired charac


22. Fitness, in an evolutionary sense, refers to an individual's:
a. strength.
b. reproductive success.
c. aggressiveness.
d. size.
e. age at death.


23. Basic units of the DNA molecule composed of a sugar, phosphate, and one of four DNA bases is called a(n):
a. protein.
b. enzyme.
c. intron.
d. chromosome.
e. nucleotide.


24. Ribosomes are:
a. the sex chromosomes.
b. the gametes.
c. found only in prokaryotes.
d. only present when the cell divides.
e. important to protein synthesis.


25. The two basic types of cells are somatic cells and:
a. zygotes.
b. gametes.
c. autosomes.
d. polar bodies.
e. organelles.


26. Gametes:
a. are basic units of the DNA molecule composed of sugar.
b. are also called zygotes.
c. transmit genetic information from parent to offspring.
d. can make copies of all other types of cells.
e. are important structural components of the body


27. The DNA base adenine always pairs with which other DNA base?
a. Guanine
b. Thymine
c. Cytosine
d. Uracil
e. Mitochondria


28. This term designates a position on the body closer to the belly. This term is used more frequently for quadrupeds.
a. dorsal
b. ventral
c. cranial
d. caudal
e. medial


29. Infraorder of haplorrhine primates composed of the superfamily Ceboidea, or New World monkeys?
a. Carpolestes
b. Catarrhini
c. Platyrrhini
d. Denisovans
e. Cercopithecoidea


30. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Proteins are composed of amino acids.
b. The first step in protein synthesis is translation.
c. The number and sequence of amino acids determines protein function.
d. Proteins are manufactured by the ribo


31. Mendelian traits are also called:
a. discrete traits.
b. indiscrete traits.
c. continuous traits.
d. heterozygous traits.
e. homozygous traits.


32. What is an individual's actual genetic make-up called?
a. Phenotype
b. Homozygosity
c. Recessiveness
d. Phenotypic ratio
e. Genotype


33. The ABO blood type system consists of ______ alleles.
a. 6
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
e. 5


34. What is type AB blood an example of?
a. Codominance
b. Blending
c. Recessiveness
d. Dominance
e. Polygenic inheritance


35. This australopith species is represented by relatively few remains, found in East Africa and dated at about two and half million years ago; obvious adaptations to bipedalism; these remains are associated with the very earliest stone tools, along with


36. What do we call the complete sequence of DNA bases that specifies the order of amino acids in an entire protein or portion of protein, or any functional product?
a. Helix
b. Codon
c. Polypeptide
d. Amino acid
e. Gene


37. In a hypothetical situation, B is the allele that causes brachydactyly. If a man who has normal fingers (bb) and a woman with brachydactyly (Bb) have children, what proportion of these children would you expect to have normal fingers? (Hint: Use a Pun


38. Polygenic traits are also called:
a. indiscrete.
b. discrete.
c. continuous.
d. bimodal.
e. Mendelian.


39. Chromosomes are:
a. made up of DNA and proteins.
b. visible during all stages of cell division.
c. composed only of mRNA.
d. indiscrete structures.
e. occur singularly.


40. What does each mitochondrion contain?
a. Nuclear DNA
b. 46 chromosomes
c. An X but never a Y chromosome
d. Several copies of a ring-shaped DNA molecule, or chromosome
e. A Y but never an X chromosome


41. What is the only source of new genetic material in any population?
a. Mutation
b. Genetic drift
c. Founder effect
d. Migration
e. Natural selection


42. What is gene flow defined as?
a. Production of new alleles
b. Production of new genetic material
c. Chance loss of alleles in a population
d. Exchange of genes between populations
e. Differential reproductive success of individuals


43. Autosomes:
a. happen only in cases where a genetic deficiency occurs.
b. carry genetic information that determine the individual's sex.
c. are found within gametes only.
d. carry genetic information influencing all physical characteristics except prim


44. How many chromosomes occur in a normal human somatic cell?
a. 44
b. 48
c. 46
d. 53
e. 23


45. What are the X and Y chromosomes called?
a. Autosomes
b. Gametes
c. Centromeres
d. Sex chromosomes
e. Karyotypes


46. Structural similarities shared by species that are acquired by descent from a common ancestor are
a. analogies
b. homologies
c. acquired
d. uncommon
e. uninformative of evolutionary relationships


47. What are structural similarities between species that are based on common function and not on common evolutionary descent called?
a. acquired
b. generalized
c. non-adaptive
d. analogies
e. homologies


48. The diversification of the mammals occurred mostly during the
a. Pleistocene
b. Mesozoic
c. Quaternary
d. Cenozoic
e. Paleozoic


49. Primate
a. teeth are generalized because primates are omnivorous
b. teeth are specialized for processing one type of food
c. premolars and molars are indistinguishable from those found in carnivores
d. tooth form is not correlated with their diet
e. n


50. All Old-World monkeys belong to which superfamily?
a. Ominidae
b. Cercopithecoidea
c. Callitrichidae
d. Pongidae
e. Monkidae


51. Compared to monkeys, hominoids
a. generally have larger body sizes and lack a tail
b. have a more elongated lower back
c. have arms and legs of equal length
d. exhibit less complex behavior
e. have a shorter period of infant dependency


52. Which of the following are vertebrates?
a. birds
b. reptiles
c. amphibians
d. all of these
e. A and B only


53. The study of how bones and other materials come to be buried in the earth and preserved as fossils is:
a. taxonomy
b. taphonomy
c. taxidermy
d. taxation
e. a and b only


54. Structural similarities shared by a wide array of distantly-related species that are inherited from a remote ancestor, such as the number of bones in the forelimb, are termed:
a. specialized.
b. ancestral (primitive).
c. adaptive radiations.
d. analog


55. In grouping organisms together in a cladistic classification, the most important characteristics are
those that are:
a. ancestral.
b. derived (modified).
c. primitive.
d. analogous.
e. classified.


56. What does the term endothermic refer to?
a. Mammalian tooth shapes
b. The loss of heat in animals without fur
c. Using metabolic activity to maintain a constant internal body temperature
d. Staying warm by laying in the sun
e. Energy is generated exte


57. The Order Primates is traditionally divided into two suborders:
a. Platyrrhine and Catarrhine.
b. Strepsirhini and Haplorhini.
c. Pongidae and Hominidae.
d. Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea.
e. Pongo and Homo.


58. The suborder Strepsirhini includes:
a. lemurs and lorises.
b. tarsiers, lemurs and lorises.
c. lorises, chimpanzees, and gorillas.
d. chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans.
e. Strepsirhini is not a suborder of primates.


59. Which are the largest of the living primates?
a. Orangutans
b. Chimpanzees
c. Gibbons
d. Bonobos
e. Gorillas


60. Monkeys are divided into which two major groups?
a. Terrestrial and arboreal forms
b. New and Old-World species
c. Large and small-bodied species
d. Quadrupedal and bipedal
e. Omnivores and frugivores


61. Which of the following are not apes?
a. Gorillas
b. Orangutans
c. Bonobos
d. Chimpanzees
e. Macaques


62. Dating methods indicating that something is older or more recent than something else
a. are called chronometric dating methods
b. are called absolute dating methods
c. include the K/Ar method
d. never require stratigraphic information
e. are called re


63. Where have Miocene hominoid fossils been found?
a. North America
b. Australia
c. Mexico
d. South America
e. Africa, Europe, and Asia


64. The most likely contender for the common ancestor to all later catarrhines is:
a. Oligopithecus
b. Aegyptopithecus
c. Parapithecus
d. Apidum
e. Pleasiadapithecus


65. Robust australopithecines are also known as the genus________.
a. Orrorin
b. Sahelanthropus
c. Gigantopithecus
d. Paranthropus
e. Tarantulapithecus


66. The fossils attributed to Australoptihecus garhi were found at the Bouri site, in Ethiopia, along with:
a. abundant spears.
b. animal bones with cutmarks
c. evidence for early Homo
d. fossil footprints
e. fossil teeth


67. What feature(s) convinced Raymond Dart that the Taung child was not an ape?
a. the position of the foramen magnum, which indicated an erect posture
b. the fact that the deciduous canine teeth were quite small
c. the shape and orientation of the forehe


68. The fossil skeleton known as "Lucy" belongs to which species?
a. africanus
b. aethiopicus
c. habilis
d. boisei
e. afarensis


69. The cranial remains from Dmanisi
a. are essentially indistinguishable from modern Homo sapiens
b. bear some similarities to early genus Homo specimens from Africa
c. bear some similarities to Homo erectus specimens
d. have cranial capacities that exce


70. Who made the first discovery of what we now call Homo erectus fossil remains?
a. Eugene Dubois
b. Franz Weidenreich
c. Louis Leakey
d. Raymond Dart
e. Richard Leakey


71. The ________ epoch has been called the "Ice Age."
a. Pleistocene
b. Paleocene
c. Pliocene
d. Miocene
e. Eocene


72. This hominin is a recently discovered species of diminutive, small-brained human on Indonesian island of Flores, perhaps an offshoot of Homo erectus, dated at between 94,000 and 13,000 years ago.
a. Homo ergaster
b. Homo habilis
c. Homo naledi
d. Homo


73. What is the atlatl?
a. type of projectile point
b. It is used for starting fires.
c. It is used to increase the force and distance of a spear throw.
d. a drill
e. It is used for fishing.


74. Neandertal brain size:
a. was smaller, on average, than that of modern humans.
b. was larger, on average, than that of modern humans.
c. was smaller, on average, than that of Homo erectus.
d. averaged about 2,500 cm3.
e. averaged about 1,100 cm3.


75. According to the most recent evidence, the first modern Homo sapiens evolved in Africa around _______ years ago.
a. 200,000
b. 1,500,000
c. 50,000
d. 500,000
e. 5,000,000


76. The relatively simple stone tools associated with early genus Homo are called:
a. Aurignacian
b. Levalloisian
c. Acheulean
d. Oldowan
e. Magdalenian


77. Which school of thought about taxonomy and classification emphasizes the recency of common ancestry for establishing evolutionary relationships?
a. evolutionary systematics
b. cladistics
c. evolutionary paradigms
d. convergent evolution
e. continuous
