Micro 360 Quiz 3

The functional unit of genetic information is the


Genes that are encoded for polymerases, gyrases, ribosomal proteins, and other proteins essential to replication, transcription, and translation are present on


Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules function?

function to transfer the correct amino acids to the ribosome during translation

Which of the following is an example of one codon?


Which of the following is/are transferred to daughter cells during bacterial cell division?

chromosome, proteins, and all other cellular constituents

The time interval required for the formation of two cells from one is called the

generation time

Bacteria that are able to grow in humans and cause disease would be classified as


Considering the effect of temperature on microbial growth, what is the minimum temperature that should be used to sterilize growth media and other devices prior to experimentation?

121 degrees celsius

A virus that kills its host is said to be

lytic or virulent

When a solution composed of bacteria and infectious virions are mixed and spread on an agar plate, ________ form where viruses lyse the host cell.
