Science Ch. 4 vocab terms-7th Grade

sexual reproduction

Is a type of reproduction in which the genetic materials from 2 different cells combine, producing an offspring


this is the female sex cell which forms the ovary


this is the male sex cell and it forms the testis


this is the process an egg cell and a sperm cell join together


This is the new cell that forms from fertilization


are cells that have pairs of chromosomes

homologous chromosomes

pairs of chromosomes that have genes for the same traits arranged in the same order are this


are cells that only have one chromosome from each pair


In this one diploid cell divides and makes 4 haploid sex cells

Asexual reproduction

In this one parent organism produces offspring without meosis and fertilization


Cell division in Prokaryotes that forms 2 genetically identical cells is known as this


In this a new organism grows by mitosis and cell division on the body of its parent


this is another type of asexual reproduction which occurs when an offspring grows from a piece of its parent

Vegative reproduction

Is a form of asexual reproduction in which offspring grow from a part of a parent plant


is a type of asexual reproduction performed in a laboratory that produces identical individuals from a cell or from a cluster of cells taken from a multicellular organism