BIO_SC_1200 Botany Exam 4

1. What three things does Meiosis do for plants (and all sexually reproducing


2. What are the three steps in cell division using Meiosis? What happens during
each step?

DNA Replication- copy 1 chromosome to 2 sets 1st
Cell Division- Homologous Chromosomes separate:crossing over and random alignment occur
2nd Cell Division- Sister chromatids (1 copy of DNA molecule) Separate

3. What two ways does meiosis increase diversity?

Crossing over- DNA Sections are exchanged by homologous Chromosomes ...
Random Assortment- Each gamete gets a unique set of chromosomes; 1 set from mom and 1 set from dad.

4. Where does meiosis occur in flowering plants?

Flowers of Angiosperms. Ovule and Antheres of flower.
an Ovule is female part of flower

5. What happens following meiosis in the ovule?

Egg is formed (macrogametophyte)

6. What happens following meiosis in the anthers?

Spores (microgametophyte)

7. What process takes a cell from diploid to haploid?

Meiosis- Cell division that divides the DNA in diploid cell into multiple haploid cells

8. What process takes a cell from haploid to diploid?

Fertilization- merges 2 Haploid cells into 1 Diploid cell

9. Plants have a different life cycle than we do. They have an "Alteration of Generations" because they alternate between the sporophyte and gametophyte
stage. What is different about these stages?


10. Know and understand the general Life Cycle of Plants.


11. What is an advantage of sexual reproduction?

Greater diversity, produce more offspring

12. How many copies of each gene does a plant have in each cell?


13. When these copies have identical DNA sequence we say the plant is
_____________________ for that gene. And if the DNA sequence is different
between the two copies of the gene?


14. The genotype is...


15. When I am describing how a plant looks or how it functions, I am describing its


16. What makes an allele dominant over another allele?


17. How many copies of each gene does the offspring get from EACH parent?

Random Assortment- one from the mom one from the dad.

18. Be able to work some genetics problems. If you're looking for practice problems, searching "Genetic Problems" is always fruitful!


19. We discussed 5 major categories of plants. Our discussion of these categories moved from "first evolved" to "most recently evolved". For each category, know
what new characteristic(s) it had that previous plants did not.


- Characteristics (Leaves? Roots? Dominant stage? Etc.)
- The specific life cycle
- Examples of members of this category
- Human uses

a) Dominant Stage: Gametophyte or Sporophyte
b) seaweed
c) human uses: food, biofules

Mosses (Bryophytes)
- Characteristics (Leaves? Roots? Dominant stage? Etc.)
- The specific life cycle
- Examples of members of this category
- Human uses

a) Characteristics: Novascular tissue, No roots, No true Leaves, No Seeds, No Flowers, REQUIRE WATER REPRODUCTION
b)Dominant Stage: Gametophyte
c)Human uses: Peat burn for energy, Treatment before antibiotics, horticulture

Ferns (Pterophytes)
- Characteristics (Leaves? Roots? Dominant stage? Etc.)
- The specific life cycle
- Examples of members of this category
- Human uses

-NO Seeds, Fruits, or flowers
-Has vascular tissue
- leaves called fronds
-Root (Rhizome)
-Need water for sperm movement
b) dominant stage- sporophyte depends on gametophyte
c) Types: Tree like Hydrophydes (live in water)
d) Human: oil c

- Characteristics (Leaves? Roots? Dominant stage? Etc.)
- The specific life cycle
- Examples of members of this category
- Human uses

-No flowers or fruits
-has vascular tissue, roots, stems, leaves of needles
Sporophyte is dominant.
Gametophyte contained with in the sporophyte
Meiosis in 2 locations
-Water not required for reproduction
-pollen spread through air

- Characteristics (Leaves? Roots? Dominant stage? Etc.)
- The specific life cycle
- Examples of members of this category
- Human uses