Week 6 Vocab Ch 10 11


Sister chromatids are joined via this structure to which spindle fibers attach at cell division


A protein complex associated with mitotic chromosomes that is involved in chromosome condensation

Constitutive heterochromatin

A condensed form associated with structural functions such as centromeres or telomeres


Light staining chromosome region usually associated with gene expression

Host Range

The species a virus is capable of infecting


Removed from mature mRNAs


Consisting of DNA and proteins, this is the chromosome attachment point for the spindle fibers

Nuclear Matrix

Complex of proteins and filaments maintaining chromosome elements in specific locations within the nucleus


Maintain length and integrity of eukaryotic chromosome ends

Transposable element

DNA elements capable of movement within the genome


Interlocked circular molecules following replication

Conditional mutant

A mutant allele causes a mutant phenotype in only a certain environment (the restrictive condition) but causes a wild-type phenotype in a different environment (the permissive condition)

DNA replication

Double helical DNA copying


In reference to the accurate copying of DNA

Lagging strand

During replication, the DNA strand whose synthesis is discontinuous

Origin of replication

Those nucleotides specifying the start site for DNA synthesis


A DNA-dependent RNA polymerase

Proofreading function

Referring to the error-correcting quality of DNA polymerase

Semiconservative model

Wherein ever new dNA double heliz is a hybrid that consisted of one strand of old DNA bound to one strand of newly synthesized DNA


Elongates eukaryotic telomeres