Science Quiz: Asexual Reproduction (Completed)

Cell Division, when one cell divides into two cells.

Asexual Reproduction

What is another phrase for Cell division?

Binary Fission

What are the three stages of Asexual Reproduction?

Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis

What are the four stages of Mitosis?

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.

When all of the genes of the chromosomes are copied.


The process of providing each new cell with a complete set of all genes.


Cell membrane disappears and like genes attach to each other usually forming an X shape.


The genes line up in the center of the cell.


Genes move to edges of the cell along spindle fibers that have developed.


New genes uncoil spindle fibers disappear and nuclear membranes form around two nuclei.


Having trouble remembering how the mitosis process order is: Remember this:

Philip Meets Alex Today

Final stage of cell division as the parent cell pinches in between the nuclei until the cytoplasm divides two new cells are born.


Mitosis is needed for _________


The trillions of cells that make up our bodies are the result of _________ _____________

cell division

__________________ __________________ is the process that the cell of the plant or animal goes through to duplicate itself

cell division

German Zoologist Walter Fleming was able to identify structures in cells he called _____________


The discovery and understanding of mitosis helped scientists begin to understand how one cell can turn into a complex ______________ made of many ___________ cells.

Organism, interacting