Vocabulary Workshop Level Orange Unit 8


(adj.) not skillful or graceful; hard to handle; embarrassing


(v.) to make short, sharp sounds by rattling or banging together; to speak or move with confused, noisy sound
(n.) a hard, rattling sound; busy excitement; noisy chattering


(adj.) showy in appearance; splendid; brave or full of spirit, showing courtesy; very attentive
(n.) a fashionable young gentleman; a suitor


(adj.) only moderately warm, not hot but not cold; without enthusiasm


(adj.) in great supply, easily available; more than enough


(n.) a portion of food allowed for one meal or one day; food or supplies; a share
(v.) to pass out in limited portions; to limit the use of


(v.) to hold back or set aside; to save for future use
(n.) something set aside for a certain purpose; something stored for later use


(n.) a learned person; an expert in a field of study; someone who studies with a teacher; a student who gets a gift of money to pay for education


(v.) to burn slowly, with smoke but no flame; to exist in a suppressed state; to show suppressed feelings


(v.) to walk or march slowly and with difficulty or tiredness
(n.) a long, tiring walk


(n.) a person who chooses to join or to do a service; someone who gives time or effort without pay
(v.) to offer one's services; to do or say freely


(adj.) feeling tired, worn out; having no more patience
(v.) to make tired; to grow tired