To Kill a Mockingbird Final Test Study Guide

In which ways did Walter Cunningham surprise Scout?

Has bad table manners by pouring molasses over meat and vegetables

How is the Ewell family perceived status-wise within the rural community?

The Ewells are the lowest family in the social structure of Maycomb. They are dirty liers, and nobody respects them. The Cunninghams are an honest family that has a lot of pride.

How much time do the Ewell children spend in school?

The first day of every school year

For what "purpose" does Harper Lee, the author, include the school setting in Chapter 2?

To introduce the reader to the various families, as well as their peculiarities, in Maycomb country.

Scout is unusual for a first grader because...

She can read and write

What is the reason for the author's choice of a young narrator?

To show innocence

How old are Scout and Jem when the novel begins?

6 and 9 years old

The first chapter focuses on telling past stories. This primarily serves to...

Tie each of the individual characters to their family and history

The narrator of the story is...


What items do Scout and Jem take from the knot-hole in one of the oak trees in Radley's front yard?

Took gum and pennies

When Jem and Dill start to exclude Scout from activities, with whom does she spend more time?

Maudie Atkinson

What do Jem, Dill, and Scout do that causes Mr. Radley to shoot at them?

They snook into the Radley yard and try to peak into a window

What does Mr. Radley's plugging up the knothole symbolize?

Their loss of childhood pleasures and the transition to adulthood responsibilities.

Atticus knows he will lose his case with Tom Robinson because...

Because it is the word of a black man against a white man, and the jury will listen to the white man

What present does Uncle Jack give Jem and Scout for Christmas?

They get air rifles

When Atticus Finch agrees to defend Tom Robinson, what does Scout hear at school?

That Atticus is "a ****** lover

Which two characters are "outcasts" of the novel, maligned by Maycomb society?

Boo Radley and Tom Robinson

Dill's real name is...

Charles Baker Harris

Who speaks out in court and is forced to leave the court room?

Link Deas (landowner and employer of Tom Robinson)

What does Bob Ewell use to try to kill the Finch children?

A knife

Why does Mrs. Dubose require Jem to read to her every day over a month?

Because Jem made a huge mess and that was the punishment

Which character is most like a Mockingbird in the metaphorical sense?

Boo Radley and Tom Robinson

What does Atticus tell his children is a sin to shoot?

A mockingbird

Which two characters' situations/conflicts are parallels in the novel?

Both Atticus and Scout fighting communal tradition and Tom and Boo being ostracized

What did Scout hear after rolling into the Radley yard in a tire?

The sound of someone laughing

Atticus's role in shooting the rabid dog best foreshadows what future role that he will assume?

His role as being a defender of the truth for the entire community

How does Scout react to Alexandra's grandson Francis calling Atticus a "N****** lover"?

She punches Francis in the mouth

ESSAY: Tom Robinson is the black field hand accused of rape. Tom is one of the novel's "mockingbirds," an important symbol of innocence destroyed by evil. Link Deas is Tom Robinson's employer. In his willingness to look past race and praise the integrity

Link Deas defines himself not racist when he sticks up for Tom in court to help state he is innocent. After Tom dies, Deas helps the family with support, and find a job for Helen. Also when Mr. Ewell came over to hind behind him, he wouldn't allow it. Alt