6th ACC Unit 4 Test


the dictionary definition of a word


all the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests


the author's attitude toward his or her subject and characters

lyric poetry

a poem that expresses thoughts and feelings of a speaker, uses first person point of view, focuses on a specific setting, moment or idea, descriptive and has a musical feeling.

plot structure

exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

situational irony

the reader-or character-expects one thing and something completely different happens

verbal irony

a character says one thing but means something else (sarcasm)

dramatic irony

when a reader is aware of something that a character isn't


language that includes images-words and phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses.


basic truth, message, or insight that the author delivers

appeal to emotion

authors use words, phrases, or stories to appeal to certain feelings


Repeated use of sounds, words, or ideas for effect and emphasis

appeal to reason

facts and examples are organized in a logical way so that readers can clearly follow the author's argument