19-20 HHS Adams

What is the status of Europe heading into Exploration?

The Renaissance caused a spirit of this adventure&curiousity, that helped drive exploration.

What are the reasons for exploration? Which is the most important?

God, Glory, Gold (MI)

What enables Europeans to explore? Be specific.

Technologies such as the Caravel, Astrolade and compass.

What country was an early power in exploration? Who was a driving force behind exploration in that country?

Portugal. Prince Henry

What Portuguese explorers would help establish a sea trading route to Africa?

Dias and Da Gama

What type of goods were abundant in Southeast Asia? What was another name for this area?

Luxury goods (Spices and Silk); Spice islands

Under what dynasty did China become a powerful nation? How did this dynasty treat European traders?

Ming; They wanted them to pay tribute

TRading practices of China


Please describe the change in trading policies in Japan, what caused these changes?

had more trade at first, but then would shut the door on trade. This led them to be isolated.

What is the Closed Country policy? What nations still traded?

Policy of Japanese by 1639 ordered by Tokugawa Shogun to stop trade. Dutch and China

What was Columbus' plan for finding a trading route for Spain?

Sailing West

What did Columbus find instead of Asia.

Carribbean Islands

How would Spain protect its colonies?

They connected with the locals

What economic system would Spain use in the New World? How did they interact with the natives?

The Spanish forced Native Americans to work within a system known as encomienda.

What area in the Americas was controlled by the French? The British? The Spanish?

Eastern Canada/ Midwest US; Virginia, Massachusetts (Jamestown and Plymouth); Florida/Southwest.

What area did the Dutch come to control? How did they lose it?

New Netherlands. England said it separated their north and south colonies, so the duke of york ousted (forced) them out.

What problem would countries like France and the Netherlands face with colonization?

Land claims and trading rights with native-american groups.

Describe the different European nation's relationships with Native Americans. What would come from these interactions?

Dutch (Netherlands) and French had decent relationships with Native Americans because of the fur trade. England would have much conflict with Native Americans, mainly due to their conflicting beliefs about land ownership.This would lead to battles between

When did slavery begin in the Americas?


Describe the history of slavery in Africa?

It had already been there before 1500, though the spread of Islam through Africa increased it greatly.

Why was there such a large demand for African labor?

Immune to diseases, experience, unknown landscape, skin color

What was the Atlantic Slave trade? Who would lead the way for slavery in the Americas?

The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas. The Spanish

Who would dominate the slave trade by 1690? What was happening to the slave population by this time?

England. It was increasing

How did the institution of slavery change in the Americas?

It was no longer prisoners of war, but now it was based on race

How did African rulers contribute to the slave trade?

Would wait on ports of Africa. Slaves would be captured.

What was the Triangular trade?

Where Africans would be transported to the Americas (transatlantic)

What is the Middle Passage? What were conditions like on the voyage to the Americas?

The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North and South America. Horrific trip across Atlantic ocean.

Describe the harsh life faced by slaves when they reached the new world. How did slaves fight back?

Arrive > Get Auctioned > Worked in mines or fields >Worked long days with harsh beatings. Broke tools, uprooted plants, and working slowly

How did the slave trade affect both Africa and the Americas?

In Africa, numerous cultures lost generations of their fittest members their young and able to European traders and plantation owners. In addition, countless African families were torn apart. Many of them were never reunited. Also introduced guns.

What were some of the effects of the colonization of America?

colonization of the Americas: It prompted voluntary and forced migration. Many powerful societies were formed.

What was the Columbian Exchange? What were some of the goods that were exchanged?

The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas.

What is capitalism? Who would this type of economic system benefit?

An economic system based on private ownership and investment in ownership. Merchants

What group of people would gain considerable wealth from overseas trade?


What is inflation? Describe the factors that lead to inflation.

the steady rise in the price of goods. Inflation occurs when people have more money to spend and thus demand more goods and services.

What do colonies provide for their mother countries? (2 things)

Silver/Gold; Raw Materials

Ferdinand Magellan-

Claimed Phillipines in 1521 (Spain)

Hernando Cortes-

Voyaged to Mexico in 1519 (Spain)

Francisco Pizzaro-

Led a force into South America in 1532 (Spain)

Francisco Coronado-

Led an expedition across New Mexico, Texis, Oklahoma, and Kansas in 1540-1541 (Spain)

Vasco Da Gama

Explored east Africa in 1498 (Portugal)

Bartolomeu Dias

Captain who reached top of africas coast in 1488 (Port.)

Prince Henry

Founded Nav. School (Port.)

John Smith-

Established Jamestown 1607 (England)


Established Pymouth in 1620 (Eng.)


Formed Mass. Bay County in 1630 (Eng)

Jacques Cartier

Found St. Lawrence (Montreal) in 1534 (France)

Zheng He-

Led 7 voyages to Ming China in 1405 (China)

Henry Hudson-

Sailed to NEW YORK


Incan ruler who was conquered by Pizzaro in 1533

Pope Alex VI

Treaty of Tordesillas for Portugal

-Formation of colonies
-New trade routes
-Native peoples lose their land

New lands for European Countries

-Millions of Africans moved from homes
-History of abuse and oppression
-Labor of Africans built the Americas

Atlantic Slave Trade

-Many new goods and products were introduced to both Europe and the America

Columbian Exchange

-Mercantilism: Power depends on wealth
-Countries begin competing for land-tensions arise
-Colonies being exploited

Emergence of new economic policies

-Economies are tied together; change in one is a change in all

Global economy emerges- Interdependence