Literary Genres


A folktale that teaches a moral or lesson, often with animals as characters.


A biography of a person written by that person.

Science Fiction

Fiction that deals with science and technology, and adventuring into the unknown.


Skits, musicals, or plays that use the spoken word to share a message.


The author creates a magical world where anything can happen.


Fiction that involves a crime that must be solved.

Historical Fiction

Fiction that is set in the past.


Books with a variety of information that must stay in the library.

Fairy Tale

A folktale that involves a fight between good and evil, and usually ends with, "They lived happily every after.


A true story about a person's life, written by another person.

Realistic Fiction

Believable fiction that is set in present day.


Verse that uses sounds, rhythm, and word choice to share ideas.


A folktale that tries to explain how the world came to be.

Tall Tale

A folktale that is humorous and full of exaggeration.

Literary Genre

Categories used to group different types of literary work, such as non-fiction, fiction and poetry.