Call of the Wild

The Law of Club and Fang

What has Buck mastered? (Hint: he was taught it in Chapter 2)

His primordial ways

In Chapter 6 Buck becomes a loyal dog remembering his day at Judge Miller's, but in Chapter 7 Bucks is reverting back to what?

He hears the howling of the wolves, it can be referred to as "Call of the Wild

What does Buck hear from the woods? How does it relate to the the title of the book?

They pay their debts and search for the "Lost Mine

What two things do John, Hans, and Pete do the money?

No one has ever returned alive and it has the best quality of gold

What two things are unique about the mine?

Holy Grail and Fountain of Youth

What two other notorious things do people search for similar to the "Lost Mine" ?

The short legged, hairy man

Who does Buck see in his dreams?

The events that bring Buck to face his primordial side

What is "the call of the wild"?

A wolf who later becomes his "brother" wolf

What does Buck chase in the woods?

John Thornton

What does Buck remember while chasing the wolf in the woods?

A large black bear

What does Buck kill well fishing salmon in the woods?

He is a very large dog

What trait did Buck receive from his father?

A pack of wolverines

What does Buck discover when he goes back to the dead black bear?

A large Buck, he notices an arrow in the animal

What does Buck stock in the woods? What does he notice about this animal?

It shows that Buck has mastered the way of wilderness life and no longer needs the aid of humans

What is the purpose of the buck and the wolverines?


What is the first dog that Buck finds dead when he finds John Thornton dead?

He is superior to men with clubs, spears, and arrows

What does Buck prove in this chapter?

The Great Evil Spirit

What do the Yeehats see in Buck?

His "brother" wolf

Who does Buck recognize in the pack of wolves?

That a dog is going to be transformed from a domestic housedog to a primordial beast

What does the title 'The Call of the Wild' mean?

He learns that a man with a club is dominant

What influence did 'the man in the read sweater' have on Buck?


Can a brutal man (Hal) successfully train a dog?

Judge Miller

Who who owns a huge plantation in California's Santa Clara Valley?

Molly and Alice

Who are the Judge's daughters?

Manuel the Gardner

Who likes the Chinese lottery and sells Buck?

The Man in the Red Sweater

Who teaches Buck "the law of club and fang"?

Perrault and Francois

What two characters work for the Canadian government, delivering dispatches to outposts throughout the frozen North?

The Scotch Half-Breed

Who is a competent master, but because of the demands made on him, he has to overwork the dogs?

Black" Burton

Who is a vicious man who attacks Thornton?

An unnamed ape-like man

Who is the "hairy" man with a bent back?


Who does not understand the ways of the North or how to handle dogs; he is also Mercedes' husband?


Who attempts to live in the North as if she were on an "extended social camping trip."?


Who carries a whip, a gun, and a knife, and is cruel to Buck?

John Thornton

Who is the man to whom Buck becomes immensely devoted?

Hans and Pete

Who are John Thornton's partners?


Who bets Thornton that Buck cannot pull a thousand-pound loaded sled?

Jim O'Brien

Who loans Thornton $1,000 dollars?

The Yeehats

Who murders John Thornton?


Who is the protagonist of the story?


Who had a St. Bernard father and a Scotch Shepard mother?


Which character represents "Survival of the fittest"?


Who is 'a good-natured Newfoundland'?


Who is killed by Spitz?


Who is Bucks biggest enemy?


Which dog is killed by Buck?


Who is the main dog antagonist of the story?

Skeet and Nig

Who are John Thornton's dogs?

Dave, Billee, Joe, Sol-leks, Dolly, Pike, and Dub

Name all the dogs on Perrault and Francois sled team?

The mail is "flooding" in

In the beginning of chapter 5, why can the dogs not get a long rest period?

It means that they are sold very cheaply

When the dogs are sold, this quote is used:"harness and all, for a song". What does it mean

His craze for power and his potential evil

Hal's gun, knife, and whip represent what?

The ability to adapt

What main human ability does Buck learn from Charles, Mercedes, and Hal?

How unprepared are Charles, Mercedes, and Hal are

What do the unwashed dishes show us?


What does Hal assume the reason is when the dogs can't pull the sled?

The runners are frozen to the ground

Why can't the dogs pull Charles, Mercedes, and Hal's sled?

1/4 of the trip

The food is half gone when the group has gone how far?

They are not accustomed to ration portions

Why do the new dogs suffer worse than the other dogs?


How many dogs remain when the team reaches John Thornton's cabin?

A revolver-Frozen dried horsehide

Charles, Mercedes, and Hal trade what for food? What is the food?

John Thornton

Who is "convulsed with rage"?

An axe, he uses the axe's butt to hit Hal's knuckles causing him to drop the knife

What does Thornton threaten Hal with? How does he use this weapon/tool?

Pike, Joe, Sol-leks, and Teek

What dogs die when they fall through the ice?

The "Southland

Where are Charles, Mercedes, and Hal from?

Civilization of the Southland

London indirectly says that Charles, Mercedes, and Hal are bringing to much what into the North?


When Buck won't move because he knows the ice will break, what human quality is he showing?

Love, loyalty, and devotion

What 3 human qualities does Buck show in chapter 6?

Love, genuine passionate love

What similarities do John Thornton and Judge Miller have?

In chapter 5, human and "beast" could not work as one
In chapter 6, human and dog are a great team

What is the main difference in chapters 5 & 6?

He froze his feet

What happened to Thornton in the previous winter?

Skeet and Nig - They are very kind and friendly

Who are Thornton's dogs? How do they react to Buck?

Buck is afraid that Thornton will leave his life like Perrault, Francois, and the Scotch Half-Breed

Why does Buck not let Thornton out of his sight?

John Thornton's voice

Buck hears sounds in the woods; he says he would chase them but something would call him back. What?

A chasm

Thornton orders Buck to jump into what?

A "tenderfoot

Who is "Black" Burton bullying?

A bar

Where does "Black" Burton bully the man?

Burton punches Thornton after Thornton tries to break up a fight

Why does Buck attack "Black" Burton?

Thornton's boat tipped over

Why does Buck have to retrieve Thornton from the river?

A rope

What do Hans and Pete tie to Buck's collar?

Battered and bruised

What two words are used to describe Buck and Thornton once they return to the shore?

Ribs - 2

What does Buck break? How many of them?

The other men are bragging about their dogs

What causes Thornton to make the bet about Buck?

Saloon - That Buck can pull 1,000 pounds, 100 yards

Where does Thornton make the bet? What is the bet?


How much is the bet worth?


Who makes the bet with Thornton?

Jim O'Brian - Friends

Who loans Thornton the money for the bet? What type of relation do they have?

3 to 1

What odds does Matthewson offer Thornton?

Love, devotion, affection, and cooperation

What four things does London show in chapter 6?

Santa Clara Valley, California

At the start of the story Buck lived where?

Judge Miller

Who first owned Buck?

4 years old

How old is Buck at the beginning of the story?

Manuel, the gardener

Who stole Buck?

Part St. Bernard and part Scotch shepherd dog

What type of dog was Buck?

Two days and two nights.

How long was Buck on the train?

Buck was beaten by the man with the red sweater. He learned to obey the man with the club.

Describe Buck's first encounter with the man in the red sweater.

To obey the master

What was the lesson Buck learned from the man in the red sweater?

Fran�ois and Perrault

Who were the men that bought Buck from the man in the red sweater?

Deliver mail

What did Fran�ois and Perrault do for the Canadian Government?


What is the name of the dog that was sold along side of Buck?


Buck's first day on Dyea Beach he found dogs that did a lot of what?

She had went up to another dog being friendly. This started a fighting. All the other dogs circled Curly and when she went down, she was killed. Buck learned that it was a fight to the death.

What happened to Curly and what lesson did Buck learn from that experience?

He is a leader, well-traveled, and a practiced fighter.

Describe Spitz.

The Angry One

Sol-leks means what?

In a tunnel in the snow

Where did Buck learn where he was supposed to sleep?

Dave and Sol-leks

On the sled team who are Buck's teachers?


What is the dogsled team commissioned to carry?


Who drives the dog team?


Who trail blazes for the dog team?

Fran�ois's Whip and the Help of the Other Dogs

What two things teach Buck how to drive a dog sled?


Who was the original leader of the dog team?

Dawson and Skagauy

What are the two towns the dog team travels between?

The catching of of the snowshoe rabbit

What event starts the fight between Buck and Spitz?

To be the leader of the sled team

What does Buck demand after Spitz is killed?


Who is originally chosen to replace Spitz?


The fight between Buck and Spitz an example of which: Mutualism or Parasitism?

Creativity and Imagination

What human quality does Buck posses that allows him to win the fight with Spitz?

His wild, primordial beast personality

What is continually growing in Buck?


Whom does Buck discover in his nest?


What breed of dog attacks the sled team?


Who attacks Buck while he his fighting the huskies?

Their gaunt skeletons

What makes the huskies that attack the sled team different?

They lost half of the food

How much of the food is gone after the huskies raid the camp?

6 Days

How long does it take to travel 30 miles on the hardest part of the trail?

The pads have softened. Fran�ois has made him moccasins

What has happened to Bucks feet? What is made for him as a result of this? By whom?

Perrault-Spitz, Fran�ois-Buck

Perrault and Fran�ois both bet on different dogs. Who bets on Spitz, and who bets on Buck?

Howling a song

What do the huskies in Dawson do that Buck also participates in?

Buck, but he is badly injured

Who wins the fight between Spitz and Buck?

He helps the weaker members of the dog team

How does Buck gain support from the sled team?


As Buck grows older, who does he resemble more and more each chapter?

Instinct and Intelligence need to be molded together, this is shown when Buck is able to kill Spitz

In previous chapters London emphasizes "instinct over reason" but now what does he emphasize?

That animals are equal to/better than humans. He uses the comparison of humans hunting and dogs fighting. He says that dogs fight for a reason and humans hunt for no reason.

London indirectly states what in Chapter 3? How/Why?


Who hits Buck with the club after he refuses to accept that Sol-leks will be chosen as leader?

1 hour

How long is it until Fran�ois lets Buck lead the team?


Which dog "never puts his breast into the harness"?

Teek and Koona

What two new dogs join the sled team?

A unnamed "Scotch Half Breed

Whom is the sled team given to?

Mail Crates

What does the new team, under the Scotch Half Breed, have to carry?

Sitting and Dreaming by the fire

What is Bucks favorite pastime in Chapter 4?

Those of an ancient life

What visions is Buck experiencing?

Normal-10 days
Chapter 4-2 days

What is the normal rest period for the dogs? What is the rest period in Chapter 4?


What dog becomes incredibly sick?

Sol-leks, Dave runs along the back

Whom is Dave replaced by? Then, what does Dave do?

The Driver believes he will die either way. Dave falls and then is shot to be taken out of his name.

Dave eventually is allowed to pull. Why? What happens?

When Buck doesn't comply with Fran�ois letting Sol-leks lead

When does London emphasize that humans are slightly deluded in their control?

The dogs-he forced his position as leader
The humans-he gains slight control

What happens to the power and control when Buck kills Spitz?

They rely on his cooperation

When Buck kills Spitz what do the humans notice?

It symbolizes personification, because Buck is morphing human and dog (the half breed part) traits, and also the cave man

What does the Scotch "Half Breed" symbolize?

Loyalty, when Buck is "disappointed" that he has been given to the Scotch Half Breed

What is one of Buck's dominant human traits shown in chapter 4? How?

Dave, when he wont stop pulling the sled

What dog, besides Buck, shows the trait of loyalty? When?

When your work is done, your life is done

What does Dave realize about work?

He uses his eyes

How does Dave plead to stay at the harness?

His left eye

Which eye is Sol-leks blind in?

Dolly and Dave

In the middle of Fran�ois and Perrault's mail run, which two new dogs are added to the team?

the "Ghost Dog

What is Buck's nickname given by the Yeehats after Buck scares them away?

He came upon a fresh trail back to camp when he "turned his face toward camp and John Thorton

What leads Buck to return back to camp after he stalks the bull moose?