American history chapter 22

a system for buying and selling stocks in corporations

Stock market

A long period of rising stock prices

Bull market

Buying a stock by paying only a fraction of the stock price and borrowing the rest


Demand by a broker that investors pay back loans made for stocks purchased

margin call

act of buying stocks at a low price then selling at a higher price


Buying an item at a small amount then paying the rest monthly


4 time Governor; 1st catholic president to be nominated for president

Alfred E. Smith

Where stocks dropped extremely on October 29

Black Tuesday

June 1930 Act which raised tariffs to their highest levels; was supposed to protect US business but it back fired

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Court official


A community formed on used or public lands by newly homeless people


Nickname given to the shantytowns


A unemployed individual who wanders around


Name given to the area of the Southern Great Plains severely damaged by droughts and dust storms during the 1930's

Dust Bowl

A serial drama on tv or radio, usually listened to by women to pass time

Soap opera

Producer of the first feature length animated film

Walt Disney

Novelist who wrote about poverty and misfortune; wrote "Grapes of Wrath

John Steinback

Southern author about racism; good at showing what his characters are thinking

William Faulkner

Government - financed building projects

public works

Money that went directly to the people in poverty


To take possession of a property


Provided financial support to state and local governments and made loans to banks, railroads, mortgage associations and other businesses.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

WWI veterans that were promised a bonus; gathered in Washington, DC to demand cash payment redemption of their service; marchers

Bonus Army

Why did the banks close after the crash?

People were not repaying their loans so banks could not return depositor's money.

Where was the Dust Bowl located?

Great Plains

What were causes of the Dust Bowl?

There wasnt enough rain, there were no trees to hold it together, and land was being plowed through to break through top soil.

What were results of the Dust Bowl, and what did people have to do?

People (Okies and Arkies) had to move out West. Many mainly moved to California in search of jobs

What is escapism?

Where the mind allows you to escape harsh conditions by taking you to a place that is purely beautiful

What were Hoovers ideas to solve depression?

Indirect relief which consisted of giving loans to big businesses in hopes that they would create new jobs for individuals

What did the Reconstruction Finance Corporation do?

It loaned banks and businesses money to help the economy (indirect relief)

How did farmers continue to suffer during the depression?

They went bankrupt and often lost their farms

Give an example of direct and indirect relief.

Direct - providing food to starving families
Indirect - loaning money to a big business in hopes that they will create more jobs

What was the overall picture of the stock market in 1920 up until the crash?

Stocks kept going up and it was being overall inflated. It wasnt worth of what it was being sold for.

What were reasons for Hoovers victory over Smith

Hoover was a republican and Smith was a democrat. Smith was also a catholic and many believed that if a catholic was president, the pope would indirectly rule the country.

What were effects of the Bonus Army march?

Lives were lost and it ensured that Hoover would not be re-elected as president

A tent city set up by the homeless in public areas


Somebody that pulled their pockets inside out


A newspaper to cover the homeless as they slept


At the beginning of the depression, who or what provided relief for the poor?

Charities ex. Salvation Army, churches, and gangsters

SA: What are pros and cons of indirect and direct relief?

Indirect relief
Pros: helped avoid people taking advantage of the government and not working
Cons: many people suffered with no help of the government and often stayed in poverty
Direct relief
Pros: helped people out of poverty and gave instant results

SA: How did the crash effect different people?

It was a vicious cycle that effected anyone involved

What was the worst year of the depression?


What percent of Americans were unemployed and underemployed?


By October 1929, a bear market began and stock pricing began to _____


When banks ran out of money because of withdraws

Bank runs

Meant that the middle class was small and the wealthy owned most wealth

Uneven distribution of wealth

Buying on credit with installment plans caused debts to _____


Broken down car that could be pulled by horses

Hoover wagon