Geometry Terms


A point specifies only location; it has no length, width, or depth. We usually represent a point with a dot on paper, but the dot we make has some dimension, while a true point has dimension 0.


A line has only one dimension: length. It continues forever in two directions (so it has infinite length), but it has no width at all. A line connects two points via the shortest path, and then continues on in both directions.


A plane is a flat, two-dimensional object. We often represent a plane by a piece of paper, a blackboard, or the top of a desk. In fact, none of these is actually a plane, because a plane must continue infinitely in all directions and have no thickness at


Points if they lie on the same line.


Points if they do not lie on the same line.


Points if they lie on the same plane.


Points if they do not lie on the same plane.


The boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.


A part of a line that has two distinct end-points and continues for a distinct distance.

Betweenness of Points

A point is between two other points on the same line IFF its coordinate is between their coordinates.

Segment Addition Postulate

A property that states that segments of a line can be added together to form the whole line.

Congruent Segments

Segments that have the same length.

Segment Bisector

A segment, line, or plane that bisects a segment at the midpoint and divides the segment into two even parts.


The middle point of a line segment. Splits the segment into two equal halves.

Distance Between Two Points

How far apart two points are from each other.


Part of a line, has one fixed endpoint, and extends infinitely along the line from the endpoint.

Opposite Rays

Rays with a common endpoint, extending in opposite directions and forming a line.


The figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle.

Congruent Angles

Only have to have the same measure of angle.

Angle Addition Postulate

States that if point Z lies in the interior of ?ABC, then ?ABZ + ?CBZ = ?ABC.


The lines/rays/segments that form an angle.


The point on an angle where the two lines/rays/segments meet.


The area between two sides of an angle where it is less than 180�.


The area between two sides of an angle where it is great than 180�.

Right Angle

Any angle that measures 90�.

Acute Angle.

Any angle that measures <90�.

Obtuse Angle

Any angle that measures >90�.

Angle Bisector

A line or ray that evenly divides an angle in half.

Adjacent Angles

Two angles that have a common vertex and a common side.

Vertical Angles

Both of the pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines. (X)

Linear Pair

Any pair of angles that share one side and add up to 180�

Complementary Angles

Any two angles whose measures have a sum of 90�.

Supplementary Angles

Any two angles whose measure have a sum of 180�.

Perpendicular Lines

Two lines that intersect to make a right angle.