Geometry Vocabulary


a fixed location in space


a figure made up of points that extend forever in both directions


a figure that has one endpoint and extends forever in the other direction

line segment

a piece of a line marked by two endpoints

parallel lines

a pair of lines that are the same distance apart and will never cross or intersect

perpendicular lines

a "special" pair of intersecting lines that cross at a 90 degree, right angle

intersecting lines

a pair of lines that cross or will eventually cross


points that mark the ends of a line segment or end of a ray


point where two rays meet to create an angle


two rays share an endpoint and extend forever in different directions

acute angle

an angle that measures between 0-90 degrees

right angle

an angle that measures exactly 90 degrees

obtuse angle

an angle that measures between 90 and 180 degrees

straight angle

an angle that measures exactly 180 degrees


a closed figure with three or more straight sides


a three sided polygon

equilateral triangle

a triangle that has three equal length sides

isosceles triangle

a triangle that has AT LEAST two equal length sides

scalene triangle

a triangle that has no equal length sides

right triangle

a triangle with one right angle

acute triangle

a triangle with 3 acute angles

obtuse triangle

a triangle with one obtuse angle


a 4-sided polygon


a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel lines


a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides and 4 right angles


a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines, 4 equal length sides, 4 right angles ( a "special" type of rectangle)


a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines, 4 equal length sides


a quadrilateral with one set of parallel lines