Alternate Interior Angles

Alternate Interior Angles

angles on opposite sides of a transversal that crossess parallel lines and are inside the other two lines

Complementary Angles

two or more angles whose angle measures add up to 90

Supplementary Angles

two or more angles that add up to 180

Alternate Exterior Angles

angles on opposite sides of a transversal that crosses parallel lines and are outside the other two lines

Same Side Interior Angles

angles are on the same side of the

Same Side Exterior Angles

angles are on the same side of the transversal and are outside the other two lines. they are supplementary angles, also called consecutive exterior angles

Parallel Line

2 sides that never intersect


line that crosses two or more lines

Vertical Angles

pair of opposite congruent angles formed by intersecting lines

Linear Pair

adjacent, supplementary angles

Adjacent Angles

two angles in the same plane that have a common vertex and a common side, but no common interior