Geometry Vocabulary


a location in space represented by a dot

line AB

ray AB

line segment AB

parallel lines

two lines that do not intersect

perpendicular lines

two lines that intersect to form a right angle


two different rays that have the same initial point

acute angle

an angle that measures between 0-90 degrees

right angle

an angle that measures exactly 90 degrees

obtuse angle

an angle that measures between 90 and 180 degrees

equilateral triangle

a triangle that has three congruent sides

isosceles triangle

a triangle that has two congruent sides

scalene triangle

a triangle that has no congruent sides

Angle bisector

A ray that cuts an angle exactly in half

congruent segments

Segments that have the same length

Perpendicular bisector

A line that crosses the midpoint of a segment at a right angle

vertex of an angle

The common endpoint of the two rays that form an angle