Geometry Chapter 8 Polygons Quadrilaterals Flashcards


Simple, closed figure formed by 3 or more coplanar line segments (sides); sides meet at vertices


Polygon that contains a reflex angle (greater than 180 degrees)


Polygon that contains angles that are NOT reflex angles (acute, obtuse, or right angles only)

Regular Polygon

Polygon that is equilateral and equiangular

Sum of Interior Angles of a Polygon

Given a convex n-gon, it is (n-2)180

Sum of Exterior Angles of a Polygon

Given a convex n-gon, it is 360 degrees

Measure of Interior Angle of a Regular Polygon

Given a regular n-gon, it is ((n-2)180)/n;
alternatively, 180 - measure of exterior angle


Line segment that connects two nonconsecutive vertices of a polygon


A quadrilateral with:
opposite sides parallel;
opposite sides congruent;
opposite angles congruent;
consecutive angles supplementary;
diagonals bisect each other;
diagonals form two congruent triangles


A parallelogram with:
4 right angles;
diagonals are congruent


A parallelogram with:
4 congruent sides;
diagonals bisect angles;
diagonals are perpendicular


A parallelogram that is both a rectangle and rhombus:
4 right angles;
diagonals congruent;
4 congruent sides;
diagonals bisect each other;
diagonals are perpendicular


A quadrilateral with OAOO pair of parallel sides;
the parallel sides are called the bases,
the non-parallel sides are the legs

Isosceles Trapezoid

A trapezoid with congruent legs (the non-parallel sides are congruent);
base angles are congruent;
diagonals are congruent;
opposite angles are supplementary;
midsegment is parallel to the bases and its length is half the sum of the bases


A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of consecutive congruent sides, but opposite angles are not congruent;
has OAOO set of congruent opposite angles (the angles between the non-congruent sides);
diagonals are perpendicular

Measure of Exterior Angle of a Regular Polygon

Given a regular n-gon, it is 360/n