Angles, Polygons, & Transformations

A figure that is simple, closed, and consists of all sides being line segments.


Rule to find the sum of the interior angle measures in any polygon

(n-2)180 where n represents the number of sides of the polygon

If all sides are equal and all angles are equal, the polygon is said to be called _____________________


Rule to find the measure of 1 interior angle of any regular polygon


a 3-sided polygon


a 4-sided polygon


5-sided polygon


6-sided polygon


7-sided polygon


8-sided polygon


9-sided polygon


10-sided polygon


11-sided polygon


12-sided polygon


13-sided polygon


The sum of the exterior angles of ANY polygon is ______


The rule used to find the measure of one exterior angle of a regular polygon . . .

360/n where n is the number of sides (angles)

Rule for a reflection across the x-axis

(x,y) becomes (x, -y)
The x stays the same, and the y becomes its opposite

Rule for a reflection across the y-axis

(x, y) becomes (-x, y)
The y stays the same, and the x becomes its opposite

Rules for translations . ..

either add or subtract numbers to/from the coordinates.

If you translate to the right, what do you do to the coordinates?

You would add to the x-coordinate

If you translate to the left, what do you do to the coordinates?

You would subtract from the x-coordinate

If you translate up, what do you do to the coordinates?

You would add to the y-coordinate.

If you translate down, what do you do to the coordinates?

You would subtract from the y-coordinate

What is the rule for rotating 90 degrees clockwise?

(x, y) becomes (y, -x) You reverse the coordinates, and then you make the new y-coordinate its opposite.

What is the rule for rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise?

(x,y) becomes (-y, x) You reverse the coordinates, and then you make the new x-coordinate its opposite

What is the rule for rotating 180 degrees?

(x, y) becomes (-x, -y) You do not reverse your coordinates, but you make them both their opposites.

What do you do when you dilate a figure?

You multiply each coordinate by a given scale factor.

If the new image is bigger than the original, then the scale factor must be ________________________

A number greater than 1

If the new image is smaller than the original, then the scale factor must be a_________________________

A fraction less than 1