Geometry Postulates And Theorems

Segment Addition Postulate

If three points, A, B, and C are colinear and B is between A and C, then AB+BC=AC

Addition Property (Equality)

If a=b, then a+c = a+b

Subtraction Property (Equality)

If a=b, then a-c = b-c

Multiplication Property (Equality)

If a=b, then ac = bc

Division Property (Equality)

If a=b and c does not equal 0, then a/c = b/c

Reflexive Property (Equality)

is used the most

Symmetric Property (Equality)

If a=b, then b=a

Transitive Property (Equality)

If a=b and b=c, then a=c

Substitution Property (Equality)

If a=b, then b can replace a in any expression

The Distributive Property (Equality)

a(b+c)= ab+ac

Reflexive Property (Congruence)

Line AB is congruent to line AB
Angle A is congruent to angle A

Symmetric Property (Congruence)

If line AB is congruent to line CD, then line CD is congruent to line AB
If angle A is congruent to angle B, then angle B is congruent to angle A

Transitive Property (Congruence)

If line AB is congruent to line CD and line CD is congruent to line EF, then line AB is congruent to line EF
If angle A is congruent to angle B and angle B is congruent to angle C, then angle A is congruent to angle C

Vertical Angles Theorem

Vertical angles are congruent

Congruent Supplements Theorem

If two angles are supplements of the same angle, then the two angles are congruent

Congruence Complements Theorem

If two angles are complementary of the same angle, then the two angles are congruent

Theorem:Right Angles

All right angles are congruent


If two angles are congruent and supplementary, then each is a right angle

Corresponding Angles Postulate

If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, corresponding angles are congruent

Alternate Interior Angle Theorem

If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then alternate interior angles are congruent

Same Side Interior Angle Theorem

If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then same side interior angles are supplementary

Converse Of The Corresponding Angles Postulate

If two lines and a transversal form corresponding angles that are congruent, then the two lines are parallel

ConverseOf The Alternate Interior Angles Theorem

If two lines and a transversal form alternate interior angles that are congruent, then the two lines are parallel

Converse Of The Same Side Interior Angles Theorem

If two lines and a transversal form same side interior angles that are supplementary, then the two lines are parallel

Theorem:Parallel Lines

If two lines are parallel to the same line, then they are parallel to each other


In a plane, if two lines are perpendicular to the same line, then they are parallel to each other

Triangle Angle Sum Theorem

Measurements of interior angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees

Triangle Exterior Angle Theorem

The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two remote interior angles

Triangle Third Angle Theorem

If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then their third angles are congruent

Side-Side-Side Postulate (SSS Postulate)

If three sides of one triangle are congruent to three sides of another triangle then the triangles are congruent

Side-Angle-Side Postulate (SAS Postulate

If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent

Angle-Side-Angle Postulate (ASA Postulate)

If two angles and an included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and a included side of another triangle then the two triangles are congruent

Angle-Angle-Side Theorem (AAS Theorem)

If two angles and a non-included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and a non-included side of another triangle then the two triangles are congruent

The Isosceles Triangle Theorem

If two sides of a triangle are congruent then the angles opposite those angles are congruent

Converse Of The Isosceles Triangle Theorem

If two angles of a triangle are congruent then the side a opposite the angles are congruent


The bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is the perpendicular bisector of the base

RHL Theorem

If a hypotenuse and a leg of one right triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and a leg of another right triangle then the two triangles are congruent

Perpendicular Bisector Theorem

If a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, then it is equal distance to the end points of that segment.

Converse of the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem

If a point is equal distance to the end points of a segment, then it is on the perpendicular bisector of that segment.

Angle Bisector Theorem

If a point is on the angle bisector of an angle then it is equal distance to the sides of the angle.

Converse of the Angle Bisector Theorem

If a point is equal distance to the sis of an angle the. It is I the angle bisector of than angle.


The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent at a point equidistant to the vertices of the triangle.


The angle bisectors of a triangle are concurrent at a point equidistant to the side of the triangle.

Corollary to the triangle exterior angle theorem

The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the measure of each remote interior angle


If two sides of a triangle are not congruent, then the larger angle lies opposite the larger side


If two angles of a triangle are not congruent, then the longer side lies opposite the opposite the larger angle.


The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third (the largest) side.


In a parallelogram opposite sides are congruent.


Consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary.


Opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent


In a parallelogram the diagonals bisect each other


If three or more parallel lines cut off congruent segments on one transversal, then they cut off congruent segments on every transversal


If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.


In a quadrilateral, if both pair of opposite angles are congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.


If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.


If one pair of sides of a quadrilateral are BOTH parallel and congruent then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.


In a rhombus the diagonals bisect the angles.


In a rhombus the diagonals are perpendicular.


In a rectangle the diagonals are congruent.


If one diagonal of a parallelogram bisects two of the angles, then the parallelogram is a rhombus.


If the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular, then the parallelogram is a rhombus.


If the diagonals of a parallelogram are congruent, then the parallelogram is a rectangle.


In an isosceles trapezoid the base angles are congruent.


The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent


The diagonals of a kite are perpendicular.

Trapezoid Midsegment Theorem

The Midsegment if a trapezoid is parallel to both bases and is half the sum (average) of the bases.

Pythagorean theorem

A squared + B squared = C squared

Angle Angle Similarity (AA~)

If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, the two triangles are similar

SAS~ Theorem (Side Angle Side Similarity Theorem)

If an angle of one triangle is congruent to an angle of another triangle, and the sides including the angle are proportional, the two triangles are similar

SSS~ Theorem (Side Side Side Similarity Theorem)

If the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional, then the triangles are similar


The altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle divides the triangle into two triangles that are similar to each other and to the original triangle

Geometric Mean

The geometric mean of a and b is the positive such that a/x = x/b


The length of the altitude drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle is the geometric mean between the lengths of the segments of the hypotenuse


The altitude drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle divides the hypotenuse so that the length of each leg of the triangle is the geometric mean between the length of the adjacent hypotenuse segment and the length of the hypotenuse

Side Splitter Theorem

If a line is parallel to one side of a triangle, and intersects the other two sides then it divides those sides proportionally.


If three parallel lines intersect two transversals, then the segments intercepted on the transversals are proportional

Triangle Angle Bisector Theorem

If a line bisects an angle of a triangle, then it divides the opposite side into two segments that are proportional to the other two sides of the triangle


If the similarity ratio of two similar figures is a/b then the perimeter ratio is a/b and the area ratio is a squared/ b squared


The tangent to a circle is perpendicular to a radius