Geometry Vocab

point where the median meets


the centroid is _____ of the way from the vertex to the sides


where all the perependicular ends meet


the circumcenter in ____ from the veticies where all the ___________ meet

equidistant perpendicular?

a circle if each of its sided is tagent to each other

circumscribed about

3 or more lines that intersect in one point


point where all angle bisectors meet

incenter of a triangle

an incenter of a triangle is __________ from the ______- of the triangle

equidistant; Sides

verticies line on a circle

inscribed in

a line segment drawn from any vertex of the triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side

median of a triangle

segment joining the midpoint


the point where the altitudes meet

orthocenter of a triangle

where the lines intersect

point of a concurrency

2 points are the same distance from a 3rd point when they are equidistant from the 3 point


where the lines meet


if a segment joins the midpoints of 2 sides of a triangle it is___________ to the third side


the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle are concurrent at a point is equidistant from the __________ of the triangle


is a point in the interior of an angle is ____________ from the sides of a triangle, then the point is on the ________________

equidistant; angle bisector

the distance from a point to a line is the legnth of the ___________ segment from the point to the line


a point on the erpendicular bisector of a segment is ____________- from the endpoints of the segment
