Chapter 2: Reasoning and Proof

When you make a conclusion based on a pattern of examples or past events, you are using

Inductive Reasoning

A conclusion that you reach based on inductive reasoning


An educated guess


Explain why a conjecture can be true or false

It is an educated guess, and just because you say yes or no does not mean that the guess is correct.

If you find ____ that does not follow the conjecture, then the conjecture is false

One example

If you find one example that does not follow the conjecture, then the conjecture is _____.


What is the false example called for a conjecture?


What joins two statements based on a condition?

If-then statements

If-then statements join two statements based on what?

A condition

If-then statements are also called...

Conditional Statements

In a conditional statement, the part following if is the


In a conditional statement, the part following then is the


Are there different ways to express a conditional statement?


Formed by exchanging the hypothesis and the conclusion


What is the converse?

The conditional statement flipped...
Conclusion first, hypothesis next

Write the converse of this statement:
-If a figure is a triangle, then it has three angles

If the figure has three angles, then it is a triangle

Has opposite truth value of a given statement.


Negates both hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional


The inverse of the converse of a conditional


Statements with the same truth value

Equivalent Statements

What is the symbolic form of conditional?

p yields q

What is the way you read a conditional?

If p, then q

What is the symbolic form of inverse?

~p yields ~q

What is the way you read an inverse?

If not p, then not q

What is the symbol for negation?


What is the way you read negation?

Not p

What is the symbolic form of contrapositive?

~q yields ~p

What is the way you read contrapositive?

If not q, then not p

If the conditional is true, what else would also be true?

The contrapositive

What would have to be true in order for the contrapositive to be true?

Conditional statement

If the conditional is false, what else would be false?

The contrapositive

If statements have the same truth value, then they are known as

Equivalent Statements

When are two statements equivalent statements?

When they have the same truth value

When a conditional and its converse are true, what can you combine them as?

True Biconditionals

When a conditional and its converse are true and you combine them, what phrase do you use?

'If and only if'

How do you write a biconditional?

-Take the conditional
-Write the converse of the conditional
-if converse is true, write the conditional statement using if and only if to become conditional

Write the biconditional of:
If x=5, then x+15=20

Converse: True ?
If x+15=20, then x=5.
x=5 if and only if x+15=20

What parts does a biconditional separate into?

-The conditional
-The converse

Separate this biconditional into parts:
Lines are skew if and only if they are non coplanar.

-If lines are skew, then they are non coplanar.
-If lines are noncoplanar, then they are skew.

What is a good definition

A statement that can HELP identify or classify an object

A statement that can help identify or classify an object.

Good Definition

To be a good definition, you need (3)...

-Use commonly understood terms
-Be precise and not vague
-Be reversible, can write as a true biconditional

How do you show that the definition is reversible?


Process of reasoning logically from given statement to form a conclusion

Deductive Reasoning

What is deductive reasoning also called?

Logical reasoning

If a conditional is true, and its hypothesis is true, then what else is true?

The conclusion

If p yields q is a true statement and p is true, then what else is true in this?

q, in the Law of Detachment

If a conditional is true, and the hypothesis is true, then the conclusion is also true

Law of Detachment

If p yields q is a true statement and p is true, then q is true...

Law of Detachment

If p yields q and q yields r are true statements, then p yields r is a true statement...

Law of Syllogism

If p yields q and q yields r are true statements, then what else would be true?

p yields r.

What is one way to think about the Law of Syllogism?

You eliminate the sylla (simi) similar parts that the statements have in common and are left with your statement

When you interpret a diagram, you can only assume information about size or measure if...

It is marked

What is the reflexive property?


Easy way to remember reflexive property?

It is reflecting itself, reflexive off a mirror

What is the symmetric property?

If a=b, then b=a

What property:

Reflexive Property of Equality

What property:
If a=b, then b=a?

Symmetric Property of Equality

What is the transitive property?

If a=b and b=c, then a=c.

What property:
If a=b and b=c, then a=c?

Transitive Property of Equality

What is the substitution property?

If a=b, then b can replace a in any expression

What property:
If a=b, then b can replace a in any expression

Substitution Property of Equality

Logical argument that shows a statement is true


Has numbered statements and corresponding reasons that show an argument in logical order

Two-Column Proof

A statement that can be proven


Segment, angle congruence is what?


This is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive..

-Segment Congruence
-Angle Congruence

Congruent segments have the same___


Besides congruent segments having the same measure, what else has the same measure?

Congruent angles

Two angles are congruent if and only if they have the same..

Degree Measure

To show that angles are congruent to each other, these are used..


To show that there is a second set of congruent angles, what is used?

Double arcs

All right angles are ____.


When two lines intersect, _____ angles are formed.


Two pair of nonadjacent angles:

Vertical angles

Two nonadjacent angles formed by a pair of intersecting lines

Vertical angles

What makes angles vertical?

If there are two nonadjacent angles formed by a pair of intersecting lines

Adjacent means..

Next to

Angles that:
-Share a common side
-Have the same vertex
-Have no interior points in common

Adjacent angles

What are adjacent angles?

Angles that:
-Share a common side
-Have the same vertex
-Have no interior points in common

The sum of their degree measure is 90.

Complementary Angles

What makes complementary angles?

Two angles whose sum of their degree measure is 90.

If the sum of the measure of two angles in 180, they are

Supplementary Angles

What makes complementary angles?

The sum of their degree measure is 180.

Angles that are:
-noncommon sides are opposite rays

Linear Pairs

What makes linear pairs?

Angles that are:
-noncommon sides are opposite rays

What is the vertical angle theorem?

Vertical Angles are congruent

Vertical angles are congruent

Vertical Angle Theorem

If two angles are congruent, what is true about their complements?

Their complements are congruent

If two angles are complementary to the same angle, then they are


If two angles are supplementary to the same angle, then they are


What is true about two angles that are congruent and supplementary?

They are right angles

What is a theorem? How is it different from a postulate?

A postulate cannot be proven. A theorem can be proven by using logic and deductive reasoning. They are different because one can be proven and the other cannot.

What kinds of statements can you use in a two-column proof?


Write a definition for collinear points, and show how the definition can be interpreted as a biconditional.

When one line contains both points
If an only if two points are on one line are they collinear.

Define conjecture in your own words.

A conjecture is an educated guess after an observation; a conclusion from past experiences.