Fashion Visuals

red, yellow, blue

Primary Colors

orange, green, violet

Secondary Colors

yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green

Tertiary Colors

colors opposite each other on the color wheel

Complimentary Colors

red-violet, red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow

Warm Colors

violet, blue-violet, blue, blue-green, green, yellow-green

Cool Colors

colors that are next to each other on the color wheel

Analogous Colors

using three colors that are equal distance apart on the color wheel, usually forming a triangle shape

Triadic Colors

a color and the two colors on each side of its complement

Split Complementary colors

a particular shade of a given color


The lightness or darkness of a color


The brightness or dullness of a color, achieved by adding the color's compliment


having only one color, but may consist of different shades


a palette of colors traditionally associated with the different seasons or deliveries

Seasonal Colors


Seasonal Deliveries

a small collection aimed at enticing the customer to get excited about fall


(in stores by September) fabrics are textural and heavy to suit the weather


(in stores by November) a smaller capsule collection, fabrics are usually dressy and aimed at the special occasion, such as velvets, lace, and satins


knits are also important in this season and use special yarns such as Angora, chenille, and cashmere


(in stores by December/January) a tease for the spring collection with swimsuits and spring clothing are often introduced for those who are taking a vacation to a warmer climate


(in stores by February) a larger collection that may have several deliveries, emphasis on layering for ease of adjustment to changing temperatures, silhouettes are transitional with fabrics of cottons, silk knits, and generally lighter fabrics and colors


(in stores by April/May) bright colors, fabrics, and prints and silhouettes are generally more casual and relaxed, and less layered


brown, olive green, pumpkin, cranberry, ocher yellow, dark khaki, charcoal grey, taupe, black, chocolate brown, deep rich colors

Transition/Fall Colors

metallics such a silver, gold, and bronze; champagne, ivory, black, jewel tones such as sapphire blue, ruby red, emerald green

Holiday Colors

Soft pastels, white, navy blue, cherry red, bright green, tan

Resort/Pre-Spring Colors

bright colors such as yellow, Kelly green, indigo, purple, navy, light khaki

Spring Colors

white, bright saturated colors

Summer Colors

the subdivisions created by seams and other design details such as pleats, tucks, and opening


the outline of the garment minus the detail


fundamental consideration in the research and design process, the first element that consumers respond to, often while selecting or rejecting the garment, reflects seasons and moods


The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface, substance, or fabric.


A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions, however, one element of design will dominate while others play a supporting role


gives a focal point within one garment or within a collection


how the body is divided up either through lines or with blocks of color or fabric


all elements of a design work together to produce a successful collection


fabric, color, silhouette, choose one as a statement while the others play a supportive role
