Digital Media 102.01-Graphics

Elements of Design

Color, Line, Shape, Texture.


Certain colors in designs can show different moods to who is viewing it.

Complementary Colors

Colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. These colors go good together.


A color and what it is named. Hues can be changed into many colors with different saturations and brightnesses.


Amount of a color (dark or light, more or less)


How bright or dark a color looks. Adding black or white will change it.


These give the design a direction, action and definition. The types are vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved. Diagonal show interest.


The structure of an object where lines are closed. The three basic types are circles, squares, and triangles.


Add illusion and depth by using dots, lines, and colors.

Principals of Design

Proportion, Balance, Rhythm, Emphasis, Unity/ Harmony


Correlation among different parts of the design regarding their size.


The way the design is arranged (horizontally or vertically).

Formal Balance

Design that is the same on both sides. (Symmetrical)

Informal Balance

Design that is not the same on both sides but is still balanced. (Asymmetrical)


When lines, colors, and shapes repeat to create movement in a design.


The main focal point of a design.


When all elements and principals of design look like they go together.

Digital Graphics

Any design that is made or changed by a computer.

Bitmap Graphics

Use pixels that have colors and are not clear when zoomed in. RASTER GRAPHICS.

Vector Graphics

Uses math the define parts and are still clear when zoomed in. Best for printing large graphics.


The clarity of Bitmap/Raster images.

Low Resolution

Blurry and small file size.

High Resolution

Clear and large file size.

Color Mode

The mode an image uses to display on a screen/in print.

Black and White

Uses only black and white (no in between)


Uses black, white, and in between.

True Color

All combinations of color used.

RGB (Red Green Blue)

Best for viewing on screen.

CMYK (Cyan Yellow Magenta Black)

Best for printing.

Color Depth

Number of colors a graphic displays.