Communication situation

- how it affects ad positioning and how moods may affect it -> marketers attempt to place ads in appropriate media context to enhance effectiveness...sometimes want ads to be pulled during negative shows or influences.

Purchase situation

- how it affects store selection and strategies mother with kids likely to buy what kids between class is less time available, might pay more for something, less brands considered.

Usage situation

- effect of expanding usage when is the best time to have a product in each to advertise benefits, such as oatmeal twice a day lowers cholesterol rates.

Disposition situation

- what do we do with the garbage or product after we are finished with it? -> making responsible decisions on how to throw away large items such as mattress or fridge that is the best option possible


-process managers use to manipulate the physical retail environment to create specific mood responses in shoppers


- referred to atmosphere when describing a business such as a hospital or bank...Starbucks appearance more important than dry cleaners

Colors - meanings of different colors

-Bright colors arousing, warm colors red yellow more arousing then cool colors blue&grays colors appear capable of reducing wait time by promoting increasessales/ customer satisfaction..warm colors draw attention to impuse purcha

Aromas and how they are used

- good smell makes people want to come back..reduce sense of shopping...higher purchase intention on certain items....

Music - know how different types affect consumers

- fast music better with restaurants who want a fast turnover rate...Slow music left people hangout longer which means more purchases with arousal increases positive retail outcomes...make music store experience is important

Effect of embarrassment

-negative emotion influenced by both the product and the situation *buying tampons


-buying things just so others can see you

Temporal effect = Time (or lack of it)

-situational characteristic that deal with the effect of time on consumer behavior.

Momentary conditions

-Temporary states of being (tired, ill, having extra money, being broke, etc.) video "youre not you when your hungry, goodfellas guy)

Mood States

- transient feeling states that are generally not tied to a specific event or object -tend to be less intense then emotions and may operate without the individuals awareness

Ritual situations

- festive, drinking alcohol, consumptions of services, turning 21 ----artifacts, ritual scripts proper behavior