Color Theory Vocabulary

Color Wheel

The color spectrum bent into a circle.


an element of art that is derived from reflected light.

Color scheme

Plan for organizing colors

Analogous colors

colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and have a common hue (Violet, red-violet, red)

Complementary colors

the colors opposite each other on the color wheel. (Red and Green)

Cool colors

blue, green, and violet


The name of a color in the color spectrum. Hue is one of the 3 properties of color.

Primary colors

cannot be made by mixing other hues together. (Red, Yellow, Blue)

Secondary colors

colors made by mixing two primary colors together (Orange, Green, Violet)

Intermediate colors

colors made by mixing the primary colors with the secondary colors (Yellow-green, Blue-green, Red-violet, Red-orange, Yellow-orange, Blue-violet)


A color scheme that uses only one hue and the tints and shades of that hue.


the brightness or dullness of a hue - 1 of the 3 properties of color


a light value of a hue made by mixing the hue with white.


a dark value of a hue made by mixing the hue with black.


the darkness or lightness of a color - 1 of the 3 properties of color


a color plus the colors on each side of its complement(Yellow + Red-violet + Blue-violet= a split complementary color scheme)