History Of Graphic Design Ch. 1


The surface or material on or from which an organism lives, grows, or obtains its nourishment


Elementary pictures or sketches that represent the things depicted. They were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000 BC


carved or scratched signs or simple figures on rock


Symbols to represent ideas or concepts


A person who copies out documents, especially one employed to do this before printing was invented


The land between rivers," was the cradle of civilization


The leap from village culture to high civilization occurred after they arrived in Mesopotamia near the end of the fourth millennium BCE.


A stepped temple compound, dominated the city


Pictographs evolved into an abstract sign writing called ___ that came from the Latin word for "wedge-shaped.

Rebus Writing

Pictures and/or pictographs representing words and syllables with the same or similar sound as the object depicted


Graphic symbols for sounds


Writing school or "tablet house


An inscribed or carved stone or slab used for commemorative purposes

Cylinder Seal

Provided a forgery-profs method for sealing documents and proving their authenticity


Egyptians retained their picture writing system called ___ that is Greek for "sacred carving

Rosetta Stone

Black slab that bears an inscription in two languages and three scripts: Egyptian hieroglyphics, Egyptian demotic script, and Greek.


Signs that determined how the preceding glyphs should be interpreted


An oval frame around the glyph of an important figure, also the French word for "bullet," the frame's shape


A paper like substrate for manuscripts


Finished papyrus sheets had a bottom surface of vertical fibers called___


Finished papyrus sheets had an upper surface of horizontal fibers called ___

Hieratic Script

A pen-stroke simplification of the hieroglyphic book hand, for use in religious writings

Demotic Script

More abstract script came into secular use for commercial and legal writing

Papyrus Manuscripts

Where words and pictures where combined to communicate information

Coffin Texts

All surfaces of the wooden coffin and/or stone sarcophagus were covered with writings and often illustrated with pictures of possessions for use in the afterlife

The Book of the Dead

Written in first person narrative by the deceased and placed in the tomb to help triumph over the dangers of the underworld


An artifact of the Babylonian culture written in careful uniform that contains a code of laws and consequences for violating them

Dr. Thomas Young Hieroglyphics

In 1819 ____ proved that the direction in which the glyphs animals and people faced was the direction from which hieroglyphics should be read and that the cartouche for Ptolemy occurred level times.

Jean-Fracois Champollion

The major deciphering of the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphs was done by ____