The vocabulary of art includes ________________________________; these are the visual or plastic elements.

Line, shape, Light, Value, Color, Texture, Space, Time and Motion.

A Bronze sculpture occupies three-dimensional space and has measurable volume and weight. So it has ________________ .

Actual Mass

The fresco The School of Athens uses ____________________ a system for depicting the depth, in which parallel lines receding into the distance converge at a point on the horizon line known as the vanishing point. Forms get smaller in proportion to the rec

linear perspective

_______________ is the organization of the visual elements in a work of art.


If a vertical axis were drawn through the center of the work, the two halves of the central figures and the geometric motifs and animal motifs extending to the sides would be exact mirror images balancing each other. This work has ____________________.

Symmetrical Balance

In the visual arts, ______________ refers to a distinctive handling of elements and media associated with the work of an individual artist, a school or movement, or specific culture or time period.


Judy flaps voodoo is a ______________ work of art. The highly saturated colors and jagged shapes comprise the content and the spirit of the work with no references to make sure our reality.


From the statements below which is not an example of formalist criticism for the work Sketch I for Composition VII?

Kandinsky used the Apocalypse or the end of the world as foretold in the biblical Book of Revelation as inspiration for this work of art.

There are three levels of ____________ subject matter, elements and composition, and underlying or symbolic meaning or themes.


are abrasive and scratch the surface of the support, leaving particles of the material being used where they come into contact with the support. They include the mediums of silverpoint, pencil, charcoal, chalk, crayon, and pastel.

Dry Media

is an oil painting technique in which oil paint is applied so thickly that it can physically construct the image. It is any thick application of paint in which the strokes of the brush or palette knife are recorded as an actual texture on the surface of t


__________ is any printmaking technique in which the printing plate or matrix is carved with carving tools so that the areas that are not meant to be printed (that is, that are not meant to leave an image) are below the surface of the matrix. The image is


The ______ is an architectural structure generally in the shape of a hemisphere or a half globe and is commonly defined as an arch rotated 360 degrees.


___________ are constructed by placing barrel vaults at right angles to cover a square space known as a ______.

Grion Vaults; bay

__________ primarily used for covering roofs of structures, acquire their strength from the fact that the sides of a triangle, once joined, cannot be forced out of shape.


Hall of Bulls, Lascaux, France is a splendid example of Stone Age painting from the ____________ period. These superimposed realistic images of horses, bulls, and reindeer appear to be stampeding in all directions. The artist used a variety of techniques


Compare these three works of art, Narmer Palette, Old Kingdom Egyptian, Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, Akkadian and the Stele Inscribed with the Law Code of Hammurabi, Assyrian. Which of these statements is/are true.

A. All three works are relief sculptures.
B. The Narmer Palette and Victory Stele of Naram-Sin depict a king and beneath his feet lie their enemies.
C. All three render the important personages in a conceptual approach with a combination of frontal and pr

The __________ Statue of Khafre is an example of tomb sculpture. The artist has confined the figure to the block of stone from which it was carved instead of allowing it to stand freely in space. Permanence was essential as sculptures like Khafre were cre

Egyptian, Old Kingdom; gold

In Egyptian art the depiction of the figure followed a strict conventionalism that lasted for thousands of years. The exception to this was the _____________ when the wedge-shaped stylizations that stood as a rigid canon for the representation of the huma

Armana Period

The _____ culture has had more far-reaching and lasting influence on art and civilization than any other culture. Even today its influences can be felt in science, mathematics, law, politics, and art.


A prime example of sculpture of the ______ and the characteristics that it entails would be the Kouros Figure. The figure is very stiff and ridge even though all the body parts are freed from the block of marble the shape of it adheres essentially to the

Archaic period

During the Classical period, the Greek sculptor Polykleitos's developed a __________ from which he would derive his 'ideal' figures. He has idealized the athletic figure by imposing on it a set of laws relating part to part, such as the entire body is equ

canon of proportions

An important improvement from Archaic sculpture in depicting a more realistic human figure in __________ sculpture that can be seen in Polykleitos's Doryphoros is the weight shift principle. The human figure is situated so that the legs and hips are turne


In the ______________, art is characterized by excessive, almost theatrical emotion and the use of illusionistic effects to heighten realism. In sculpture the space surrounding the figures is treated as an extension of the viewer's space, at times narrowi

Hellenistic period of Greek Art

Ulysses in the Land of the Lestrygonians, is an example of the _________ . Works in this style give the illusion of an opening of space away from the plane of the wall, as if the viewer were looking out a window.

Architectural style of Roman painting

The most significant design in Roman construction was the _________ .


The other most significant building design was the use of _________ to replace cut stone.


Perhaps because early Christians were persecuted they adopted many symbols that were already present in Roman art for their own proposes like a fish for Christ and grapes for the promise of salvation through the blood Jesus had shed. But after the persecu


ven though this church has a traditional plain exterior like other Christian churches, the Church of San Vitale is an example of the __________ church, which was the popular style in the East and the art of Byzantine. This church is know for its spatial e

Central Plan

Justinian and Attendants from the Church of St. Vitale, is an example of ________ . This art style comprised most of the ornamentation of the Early Christian churches. In this medium a design is formed by embedding small pieces of colored stone or glass i

A Mosaic

Justinian and Attendants from the Church of St. Vitale, is an example of the art style that comprised most of the ornamentation of the Early Christian churches. Which of these statements is/are true about this work of art.

A. This work uses this simple perspective technique of overlapping in which a figure is placed slightly in front of the another and in the case the heads form a single line.
C. The garments no longer relate to the human form under them, as they seem to ha

Sculpture of the _________________ periods was mainly restricted to architectural decoration in relief sculptures around the portals or principle entrances. Some of the most important and elaborate sculptural decoration is found in a semicircular space ab

Romanesque and Gothic : Tympanum

_____________ is a Greek word meaning "Rebirth" spanning roughly the 14th - 16th centuries.


May" from Les Tres Riches Heures de Duc de Berry, by the Limbourg brothers is an excellent example of the _______________ of painting of the late 14th and early 15th centuries. This style appealed to the aristocracy with its themes involving splendid proc


Robert Campin's Merode Altarpiece (Figure 6-12) is a _____________ whose three panels from left to right, contain the kneeling donors of the Altarpiece; an Annunciation scene with the Virgin Mary and the angel Gabriel; and Joseph, the foster father of Jes

Religious work

When we look at the Late Gothic work Madonna Enthroned by Cimabue and the Early Renaissance work Madonna Enthroned by Giotto, we see both similarities and differences. Both works can be considered transitional works.
By use of observation, knowledge learn

E. All of these

n order to create a naturalistic representation of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface Renaissance artist developed rulers of perspective. In Masaccio's Holy Trinity one sees the use of ___________ as he creates the illusion of an extensi


The artists of the Renaissance, along with the philosophers and scientists, tended to share the sense of the universe as an orderly place that was governed by natural law and capable of being expressed in mathematical and geometric terms. One of the artis

El Greco's The Burial of Count Orgaz

The Last Supper by Leonardo's da Vinci displays, the Renaissance ideals of Classicism, humanism, and technical perfection. Remembering our lessons from Chapter 2: Visual Elements of Art and Chapter 3: Principles of Deign, which of these would be examples

Leonardo creates a focal point on Christ through isolation that results from the leaning away of the apostles

A comparison of Tintoretto's The Last Supper with Leonardo's The Last Supper will show the dramatic changes that had taken place in both art and the concept of art over almost a century

Tintoretto depicts Christ just as he offers his body and blood, in the form of bread and wine, to the disciples. Leonardo chose to depict Christ the moment he said "One of you will betray me." Leonardo chose a moment signifying death, Tintoretto a moment

In the Baroque period the Renaissance balance between emotion and restraint that was adopted from Classical Greek Art gives way to unleashed passion and the theatricality and the marked extension of the figure into the surrounding space of _____________.

Greek Hellenistic Art

Donatello, Verrocchio, Michelangelo, and Bernini all created a sculpture of David. Compare and contrast these sculptures. Which of these statements is/are true?

All of these are correct, with A,B & C being proof of D

Bernini combined the arts of ________________ to archive the desired theatrical effect in the sculptural group The Ecstasy of St. Theresa for the chapel of the Cornaro family in the church of Saint Maria Della Vittoria. Uncontrollable passion and theatric

architecture, sculpture, and painting

n the work The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus, the Flemish Baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens created _____________ . By resting the mass of struggling forms on a single point so that we know visually that all this energy cannot be supported on this si

implied motion and time

The Dutch Baroque painter Rembrandt was a much sought after portrait painter. Rembrandt surrounded his figures in a haziness using exaggerated chiaroscuro as other Baroque artist and he used a painterly technique like Valasquez in which his brush strokes


A group of artist came together during the nineteenth century. They were united in their rebellion against Impressionism or what they considered an excessive concern for fleeting impressions and a disregard for traditional compositional elements. The ____


At first the works of Georges Seurat seem like they would be part of the Impressionist movement, except he disciplined the free and fluent play of the Impressionist into a calculated arrangement of color based on scientific color theories. Seurat's techni


One of the most tragic and best known figures of the Postimpressionist was ___________. He felt painting was about the expression of the artist emotions and color was an important part of this. He believed color not the form determined the expressive cont

Vincent van Gogh

The central theme in the works of the Expressionist painter ________ is pain and isolation. In The Scream he transforms the placid landscape into one that echoes in waves of high-pitched tone that emanates from the sunken head. This references the swirlin

Edward Munch

For some Abstract Expressionists, such as Jackson Pollock, the gestural application of paint seems to be the most important aspect of their work. Pollock would walk across the surface of the work of art dripping and splashing paint across his huge canvase

Abstract Expressionism