Art History 203 Final

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Islamic Art

Malwiya Minaret of the Great Mosque, Samarra, Iraq

Islamic Art

Palace of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, Spain

Islamic Art

Prayer hall of the Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain

Islamic Art

Sutton Hoo Purse Cover

Art of the Warrior Lords

St. Matthew, Lindesfarne Gospels


Cross Inscribed Carpet Page, "Lindesfarne Gospels",


Chi-Rho-Iota (XPI), "Book of Kells


Equestrian Portrait of Charlemagne/Charles the Bald

Carolingian Art

St. Matthew, "Ebbo Gospels

Carolingian Art

Crucifixion, "Lindau Gospels

Carolingian Art

St. Michael's, Hildesheim, Germany

Ottonian Art

Annunciation to the Shepherds, "Lectionary of Henry II

Ottonian Art

Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France

Romanesque Art

Gislebertus, Last Judgement Tympanum of St. Lazare

Romanesque Art

Hildegard receives her visions

Romanesque Art

Cathedral Complex, Pisa, Italy

Romanesque Art

Saint- Etienne, Caen, France, begun 1067

Romanesque Art

Notre-Dame, Paris, France

Gothic Art

Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France

Gothic Art

Amiens Cathedral, Amiens, France

Gothic Art

Christ (Beau Dieu)

Gothic Art

Interior of Sainte-Chapelle

Gothic Art

Virgin of Paris (Virgin & Child)

Gothic Art

Virgin with the Dead Christ

Gothic Art