Art History B Unit 9

Paul Gauguin

this artist's greatest contribution to art was freeing artist from the obligation to copy nature

Edmonia Lewis

american artist specializing in marble carving who was accused of murder.

Vincent Van Gogh

later painting of this artist demonstrated blazing colors and thick paint.

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

a student of Jacques-louis David who painted apotheosis of homer

Paul Cezanne

believed impressionist paintings lacked form, solidity, and structure and created a painting method applying color in small, flat patches.


a style that portrayed dramatic and exotic subjects that were perceived with strong feelings.

Albert Pinkham Ryder

He thought color, texture, objects, and events were all important in his paintings. Ryder paintings faded because they were of poor quality and were applied improperly. Ryder was inspired by the bible, chaucer, shakespeare, nineteenth-century romantic wri


is a new art style sought to revive the ideals of ancient greek and roman art.


realist were interested in painting familiar scenes and trivial events as they really looked.

Edgar Degas

he painted the "The Glass of Absinthe". Degas painting included unusual points of view by enabling your eyes from one table to the next and then to the women and the man as if they were in a candid shot.

Winslow Homer

was regarded as one of the most skillful and powerful painters of the sea. the horizontal lines of the oars, boats, seats, horizon, and fog bank contrast with the diagonal axis lines of the dory and the portions of the windblown fog. a diagonal line repre


is described as an art style that tried to capture an impression of what the eye sees at a given moment and the effect of sunlight on the subject and this label was inspired by monet.


is a french art movement that immediately followed impressionism and artists involved showed a greater concern for structure and form that did the impressionist artists.

Claude Monet

spent months painting hay stacks at different times of the day.