CH 3 Egypt

What do art historians call the courses of dressed stones used in the construction of the Great Pyramids?

Ashlar Masonry

What was the lifeline of ancient Egypt?

Nile River

Which empire made Egypt one of its province after 30 BCE?


What was the primary purpose of most Egyptian funerary art?

Equating the deceased's existence in the afterlife to life on earth

What is the symbolism of the crowns worn by the king on the Narmer palette?

They refer to the unification of the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Who is the first known named artist, and who was his patron?

Imhotep and Djoser

What do art historians now believe was the model for the shape of the pyramids at Gizeh?

The ben-ben

What neighboring kingdom, mentioned in Early Kingdom texts, later conquered Egypt?


How and why does the style of the Amarna period depart from the traditional Egyptian canon?

The curving forms contradicted the rigid lines of the traditional Egyptian canon just as Akhenaton's new religion contradicted the old.

What accounts for the similarity of the statue of Mentuemhet to the figure of Menkaure in the statue of Menkaure and Khamerernebty?

The Egyptian canon

Who of the following was not a Fourth Dynasty pharaoh?


What Middle Kingdom form took on the function of the Old Kingdom mastabas?

The rock-cut tomb

What was the purpose of Egyptian royal portraiture?

To highlight the divinity of the pharaoh

What earlier architectural form does the stepped pyramid resemble in form but not purpose?


What is the name of the chancellor/architect-engineer who served during the reign of Hatshepsut?


Which falcon-headed god was the son of Osiris and hunted down his father's murderer, Seth?


What was the primary objective of mummification?


When was the Pre-Dynastic and Early Period?

3500-2575 BCE

When was the Old Kingdom?

2575-2134 BCE

When was the Middle Kingdom?

2040-1640 BCE

When was the New Kingdom?

1550-1070 BCE

Palette of Narmer

3000-2920 BCE (early dynastic), Ancient Egyptian
Propaganda for Narmer; something functional made with artistry (used for crushing makeup materials); Hieratic scale, etc.


soul that can go between the real world and afterlife


In ancient Egypt, the immortal human life force.

Compare and contrast the pyramids and the temples

a lot