art history 3

Lindisfarne Gospels

creator: bishop of eadfirth
date: 698-721 (hiberno-saxon)
medium: tempera and gold leaf on vellum
location: lindisfarne abbey in england
the function of the gospel is:
-symbolic, illustrative. its a well made book which hints to the wealth of the church.

Saint Matthew Carpet Page

creator: bishop eadfirth
date: 698-721
medium: tempura and gold lead on vellum
located: lindisfarne gospels.
part of the RECTO page...
these have their own keltic design. the design is always centered around a cross. altered and modified version of the on

Saint Matthew Evangelist Page

creator: bishop eadfirth
date: 698-721 (hiberno-saxon)
medium: tempera and gold lead on vellum
location: lindisfarne gospels
matthew is pictured with greek and latin text. the tetramorph of saint matthew is shown as a winged man. jesus as human/divine inf

The Pages

christs ancestry = ST MATTHEW
christs sacrifice = ST LUKE
christs resurrection = ST MARK
christ ascension = ST JOHN


expanded the territory. he established the carolingian empire. made the first holy roman empire. symbolizes the successor of constantine. he created that association. he is a promoter of christianity and establishes structures for that cause.. although is

the equestrian portrait of charlemagne

date: 9th century (carolingian)
patron: charlemagne
medium: bronze
size: 91/2 inches
located: Aachen, germany (the home of his empire)
it is very disproportional in comparison of the horse itself. c is holding a globe hints to the global domination. he is

bronze doors of bishop bernward

creator: bishop bernward
date: 1015 (OTTONIAN)
medium: bronze
size: 16 feet high
location: saint micheals in hildesheim germany.
this is nearly 200 years after charlesmagne. first large scale bronze casting since antiquity. each door has eight relief pane

saint sernin

date: 1070-1120
medium: stone
location: toulouse, france
in small town. latin cross plan. there is a heavy bulkiness about it. it is very complex.. ambulatory is the aisle that goes along the aspe. a chavet has both ambulatory and radiating chapel. the ra

Maiestas Domini

date: 1115-1135
medium: stone
located: south portal of saint pierre in moissac france.
(look at slide for the location of each section)
to the left we see saint peter with the keys to heaven (hope) then to the right is isiaih with the coming of negative t

Notre Dame de Chartres

date: 1145-1155
medium: stone
location: chartes, france
located on st james way. contains a piece of the virgins cloth robe, and a sculpture as a virgin as a relic. the right is original, while the left was built in the 1200s. this gives an idea of how di

the royal portal

west portal of the chartres
greater sense of naturalism and figures are from the old testament. the architub is very decorated...the old testament figures bear the weight of the new testament tympidum.
the tymphidum to the left in split in

notre dame interior

the gothic interior space gives way to the emphasis on verticality. linking up with the heavens. despite the height of the building there are a TON of windows. (stained glass) abbot serget's doings. the colors that once reflected off of his jewels took hi

Characteristics of a Gothic Cathedral

1.pointed arches and groin vaulted ceilings
2.stained/colored glass (more light entering into the space)
3. triforium (trumpum in roman)
4. flying buttresses

Amien Cathedral

has certain stress points. it has a metal "bandaid" its very structure is based off of biblical texts of king solomans temple. (144) heavens height. a ribbed vault is two intersecting pointing arches. which is where all of the weight is placed!
in order f

date facts

early renaissance = trecento = 1300s
renaissance = quatrrocento = 1400s
high renaissance = cinquecento = 1500s
renaissance - rebirth of knowledge and interest. anything ancient. ancient scriptures unearthed, which brings us out of dark spaces.

pisa baptistery pulpit

creator: nicola pisano
date: 1260
patron: archbishop of pisa
medium: marble and wood
location: pisa baptistery in pisa Italy
baptistery happens outside the cathedral because it serves as something civic and religious. birth death/marriage certificates are

The Nativity Panel

creator: nicola pisano
date 1260
patron archbishop of pisa
medium marble
located: pisa baptistery pulpit.
we see the angel telling mary then mary inclined with christ child. they are separated but remain near. a step toward mary actually holding christ ch

Fortitude (Daniel)

creator: nicola pisano
date: 1260
patron: archbishop of pisa
medium: marble
location: pisa baptistery pulpit
he was thrown into the den of lions. he was saved from the loin through prayer. this was the first male nude. not many male nudes are shown in the


primere painter in his time. described as the great renaissance figure leonardo and others look back to him. major work in the arena chapel.

arena chapel

creator: giotto
date: 1304-1306
patron: enrico scrovegni
medium: fresco
location: padua itlay.
enrico patroned this in hopes of preventing himself from inheriting his fathers fate.852 days to paint the chapel. "giornate" is how much fresco can be painted

Expulsion of Joachim

creator giotto
date: 1305
patron: enrico scrovegni
medium fresco
located in the arena chapel
offering a lamb for his wife anna to conceive. the rabbi rejects his offering, he comes home to anna being pregnant with mary. giotto uses chiaroscuro technique w


enrico scrogevegni
arena chapel
middle tier. this is jesus childhood and early ministry. in navitiy giotto uses fresco seco on the blanket hence the flaking nature. joesph is depicted by chiascurro.. the mother and child are not separat


enrico scrovegni
arena chapel
this tier includes the passion of christ. after the crucification. the group mourns over his death. exploration of different ways that people grieve. st john is very expressive exclaiming his grief. mary em

renaissance characteristics

rendering the human form in a natural way. - although holy figures are idealized
conveying psychological insight- figures responding differently to various things
creating the illusion of 3 dimensionality. - rational space. looking through the window. chi

virgin and the child enthroned (maestas)

tempura and gold leaf on wood
siena cathedral in siena italy.
this is part of a larger altarpiece. located in the aspe of the alter table. the bishop commissioned it. duccio knew it had to be more well respected than the one previously th


the general study of humanity including history, sociology, and art
the belief that the glory and greatness of humanity, knowledge as a path to understand God. the individual is capable of greatness. son does no have to follow the fathers footsteps.

Saint Mark

woolworkers guild
orsanmichele in florence itlay.
looking more to a classical past antiquity with a contrapostto pose. very naturalistic. not completely stoic. he has some emotion in his face. preparing himself to take a step out int