Ch4 Art History


Round burial mounds made by Mauryans that represent Buddhist stuff and Buddha


Small railed balcony atop Buddhist structures

Live Rock

Hillsides that Indian dwellings were carved into


Massive towered gateways produced by that Pallavas


Earliest stylized and simplified Chinese writing, considered a form of art

Oracle Bone

What early Chinese writing is found on


Form of writing with rhythm that evolved from the pictograph


Attaching preformed clay sculptural decorations onto pottery


Pedistaled clay bowls with human or animal form found in burial sites


Chinese ink style


The art of the floating world" genre painting style with polychrome woodcut


Temples that Khmer rulers constructed to perpetuate their divine image


Spirelike forms on top of Thai roofs


Fabrics made with wax-stensil dying processes


Animal or natural object that symbolizes a clan or family


Swirling designs used to ornament objects




Small prayer niche


Prayer tower attached to the mosque, opposite the qibla


Teaching mosque that was open to the sky


Cross shape, usually floor plan

Cult Figures

Full body images that showed religious devotion, usually kept in homes and shrines

Fetish Figures

Good luck charms that held ingredients with mystical powers

Reliquary Figures

Carved guardians that stand above basket receptacles for ancestral remains.


Bracket of stone that projects from the face of a wall


Illuminated manuscripts

Mound Builders

Created huge earthen platforms by carrying dirt in baskets


Subterranian sacred worship centers


Sun-dried bricks


Flat-roofed Indian dwellings

List the seven principles of art

Unity, contrast, balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm

List the seven elements of art

Line, shape, color, value, form, texture, space

When and where did Hinduism and Buddhism originate?

India in 2000 BC and 6th century BC

Who are Brama, Vishnu, and Siva? How are they represented in Hindu art?

Brama is the creator with four heads, Vishnu is the preserver who holds a discus, conch shell, mace, and lotus, Siva is the destroyer who wears snakes and skulls and dances in fire

Explain the relationship between Islam, Mohammed, and the Koran

The prophet Mohammed founded Islam, and the Koran is the sacred book of Islam

Why are there no sculptures in Islamic mosques?

Islam forbids religious images

How is the temple constructed if it is carved from live rock?

It is cut into a cliff

What is the most famous Mughal Indian structure?

The Taj Mahal

Why did the Mughals destroy the Hindu temples?

Because the Moslem religion prohibited imagery

What is the world's oldest continuous civilization?


Why was the Great Wall of China built?

To keep out Nomads of Mongolia and Nanacura

What is the Forbidden City?

The Imperial Palace in Beijing

How did the Chinese government affect their country's art in the middle of the twentieth century?

They shut down art schools and forced artists to do manual labor to produce food and supplies

What are the oldest wooden structures in the world?

The main hall and pagoda of the Horyu-ji Temple

How was Kamakura art different from Heian art?

Kamakura was more realistic and portrayed battle scenes, every day life, hell, illness, and suffering

List three of the seven countries in Southeast Asia and a type of art they created in each area.

Cambodia-wat temples
Bruma-bell shaped temples
Thailand-pottery with celadon glazes

What type of unusual art is found on Easter Island?

Stone carvings made of volcanic rock

Where did the art of body tattoo originate?

The Marquesas

List three animals painted on bark by Australian aborigines

birds, reptiles, fish

What form of textile art is usually regarded as the pinnacle of Islamic design and craftsmanship?

Colorful rugs, carpets, and textiles of wool and silk

How are masks used in Southern Africa?

In religious ceremonies to embody spiritual forces

Name three materials the N'Gere used to construct their masks.

Wood, paint, fabric

Which pre-Columbian culture was renowned for its fine weaving?


What was the oldest Mesoamerican culture?
