Art History Late Medieval Artworks

Rottgen Pieta
�Germany, Painted wood
�Human suffering (famine, war, and plague) causes German Christians to turn to mysticism
�Prayer focused on images of extreme joy and suffering- Jesus's birth and death
�14th century focus on individual experience: whi

Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel- 14th Century CE
�Made by Giotto, in Padua, Italy
�Unknown architect, mundane exterior. Interior frescoes by Giotto
�Patron: userer Enrico Scrovegni. Built next to his palace as repentance
�Dante's Inferno and Enrico's father

Golden Haggadah- 14th Century CE
�The Haggadah- book used in Jewish households on Passover to commemorate the Isrealites' Exodus from Egypt
�Three consecutive pages showing plagues, escape from Egypt, and preparations for Passover all set in "prese

(Again, example image)

Plagues of Egypt Folio, Golden Haggadah- 14th Century CE
�Moses intitiates the plague of frogs, nobody is spared, even the Pharaoh
�Plague of lice, plague of wild animals, plague on livestock

Scenes of Liberation Folio, Golden Haggadah- 14th Century CE
�Plague of the first born
�Pharaoh orders the Israelites to leave Egypt. Moses and Israelites holding lumps of dough, walk with hands raised
�The pursuing Egyptians are depicted as contemporary

Preparation for Passover Folio, Golden Haggadah- 14th Century CE
�Italian influence on believable architecture
�Celebration dance, Moses's sister Miriam playing tambourine
�Master of the house orders distribution of bead to kids
�A family prepares the hou

Alhambra Palace- 14th Century CE, Islamic Nasrid Dynasty
�Granada, Spain
�In late Middle Ages, Muslims lose much of their European territories
�Place complex of the last Islamic Dynasty in Spain
�Alhambra means "the Red"- color of stone
�Preserved by Chri

Court of the Lions, Alhambra Palace- 14th Century CE, Islamic Nasrid Dynasty
�At the center of the last Sultan's private retreat
�Rare occurrence of figures in Islamic Art. Secular building.
�Muqarnas- stalactite- like stucco ornamentation
�Miradors- seco

Hall of the Sisters, Alhambra Palace- 14th Century CE, Islamic Nasrid Dynasty
�Ethereal space for dining and music, Christian windows
�Dome of honeycomb-like clusters of thousands of muqarnas, creates the effect of the starry cosmos
�Beautiful but cannot