Ancient Near Eastern Art

Put Ancient Near Eastern Art civilizations in order (acronym)


Ancient Near Eastern Art buildings were created for


buildings were made of

mud brick

Buildings were painted or faced with

tile, stone

large _ commemorated the achievements of ancient rulers were erected throughout Mesopotamia


guardian figures that are usually hybrids of _ and _ protected the entrances to important sites

men, animals

Assyrian _ _ are among the first organized narrative works of art in history

lion reliefs

An audience hall in a persian palace


The top element of a column


system of writing in which the strokes are formed in a wedge or arrow head shape


A round piece of carved stone that when rolled onto clay produces and image

cylinder seal

the front of a building. Sometimes, more poetically, a speaker can refer to a "side _" or "rear _


the map of a floor of a building

ground plan

a system of representation that expresses a person's importance by the size of his or her representation in a work of art

hierarchy of scale

A colossal winged human-headed bull in Assyrian art


empty space around an object or a person, such as the cut out areas between a figure's legs or arms of a sculpture

negative space

sculpture that projects from a flat background

relief sculpture

a very shallow relief sculpture


stone slab used to mark a grave or a site


A pyramid-like building made of several stories that indent as the building gets taller; thus, they have terraces at each level


Common characteristics of Ancient Near Eastern art

union of human and animal elements in a single figure, the use of hierarchy of scale, and the deification of rulers

These are characteristics of _ art: Contrasted with prehistoric art it has a realistic looking figures acting out identifiable narratives.Eyes are always wide open; men are bare-chested and wear a kilt. Women have their left shoulder covered; their right


These are characteristics of _ art: added on to Sumerian art with the deification of the king, who rules with the gods' approval, but without their assistance. Also had interest in erecting stelai or "stele" (singular form)


These are characteristics of _ art: used stone rather than mud-brick as building material, large uncut boulders are set in place as impressive fortifications


These are characteristics of _ art: these artists praised the greatness of their king. Cuneiform appears everywhere. Shallow relief sculpture is a specialty


These are characteristics of _ art: erected monumental architecture, huge audience halls, and massive subsidiary buildings for grand ceremonies that glorified their country and their rulers. Their architecture is characterized by columns topped by two bul
