Ch 1 Online Quiz

Art Explosion

Approximately 35,000 years ago, humans began creating images. It is theorized that we started drawing images as a result of powerful hallucinations.

Q 1: A water-worn stone that bears an uncanny resemblance to a human face was found in:

South Africa. This is known as the Makapansgat pebble.


Old Stone Age

Q 2: The fragments of stone plaques found in the Apollo 11 Cave in Namibia had recognizable images of


Q 3: Animal paintings during the Paleolithic period were presented in ________ views.

Profile. A profile is an outline of something, esp. a person's face, as seen from one side: "the man turned and she caught his profile".

Q 4: Which of the following is not a type of stone?
a. sarsen
b. lintel
c. sandstone
d. bluestone

Lintel. A lintel is a horizontal support of timber, stone, concrete, or steel across the top of a door or window.

Q 5: Stonehenge is located in


Q 6: A stone beam used to span an opening is a


Q 7: The Venus of Willendorf was discovered in present day


Q 8: True or False. Most animals painted during the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras are presented in profile.


Q 9: The Venus of Willendorf is naturalistic in its shape and proportion.


Q 10: Because precision in dating is impossible for the Paleolithic era, art historians usually can be no more specific than assigning an artifact a range of:

Several Thousand Years

Q 11: Relief sculpture can be created by:

building up forms out of clay and cutting into stone blocks or walls.

Q 12: The paintings in the cave at Altamira were originally discovered by:

The estate owner's daughter

Q 13: The bison at Altamira are:

13,000-14,000 years old.

Q 14: A ground line is:

a painted or carved baseline on which figures rest.

Q 15: Paleolithic painters did not use brushes made from:

bone. They used bristles, twigs, and reeds.

Q 16: In Paleolithic paintings, representations of human hands are:


Q 17: The bulls at Lascaux display a twisted perspective because:

the bodies are in profile but the horns are frontal.

Q 18: The remains of the oldest known settled communities have been found in:


Q 19: Innovations of the Neolithic age include:

weaving and metalwork.

Q 20: The great circular stone tower at Jericho was:

28 ft.

Q 21: �atal H�y�k was one of the first experiments in:

Urban Living.

Q 22: True or False. The Makapansgat pebble found in South Africa in 1925 is considered art.

False. It is not considered art because "art" needs to be modified by human intervention beyond selection. It has been said that the Makapansgat pebble was carried over a distance of of four kilometers by Australopithecus.

Q 23: True or False. The earliest known paintings were portable.


Q 24: True or False. Male humans are the most common subjects in Paleolithic Art.
