Art History Exam 1

Erwin Panofsky used iconography and natural subject matter to derive meaning from a work of art.

According to Erwin Panofsky, what are the two ways that we derive meaning from a work of art?

Difference between natural subject matter and iconography is:
1) Natural Subject Matter is recognizing things that are in our world
2) Iconography is a conventional symbol/meaning established at a specific time.

What is the difference between "natural subject matter" and "iconography"?


How did Petrarch and his contemporaries influence the development of Renaissance culture?

Humanism is the leaning toward antiquitys (Greek and Latin culture) It influenced architecture, sculptures, and painting

What is Humanism? How are humanist interests relevant to interpretations of Renaissance imagery?

A new class: Merchants

What was new about the social structure of fourteenth-century Europe?

Catholic religious allowed the painting of religion as a method to allow the uneducated reader to understand faith

What religious trends of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance are understood to have affected the development of religious art?

Giotto introduced:
1) Mastery of Space
2) Emotional engagment
3) Earth bound people and scultural figures

What stylistic innovations did Giotto introduce to Italian art?

In Ambrogio Lorenzetti's "Allegory of Good and Bad Government", he paints two murals:
1) Good government shows a flourishing city with livelihood and movement
2) Bad government depicts oppression of the poor and slavish labor

How is social hierarchy displayed in Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Allegory of Good and Bad Government?


Who was Filippo Brunelleschi? What did he introduce in his architecture?

Patrons paid for art works. Some Patrons commissioned art as a way of justifying usury or to elavate their status

What was the role of the patron in the creative process in Renaissance Europe? Why would a patron want to commission art?

Leon Battista Albert, wrote treaties on art. The Art of how to Paint. Main points include:
1) measured space
2) Linear perspective
3) Colour
Written in 465 and later wrote a second book in 1436

Who was Leon Battista Alberti? What is the relevance of his treatise, "On Painting" for European art? What are the three main points of his text that we discussed in class? When was it written and for what audience(s)?


What was manuscript illumination? What aspects of Jeanne d'�vreux's book of hours suggest the artist's familiarity with Sienese art?


What is a vesperbild? How is this art form related to devotional practices?

In the Limbourg Brother's Tre's Riches Heures, commissioned by Duke of Berry showed a justification for Duke's social status and a world that Duke wanted to see, Peasants enjoying themselves and shown to be less civilized.

What aspects of court life are shown in the Limbourg brother's Tr�s Riches Heuresfor the Duke of Berry?

Characteristics of the Northern Renissance painting includes:
1) No vanishing points
2) Use of light on texture
3) Patronage (Patron)
4) Oil technique
5) Landscape subject

What key visual elements characterize the northern Renaissance (Flemish) style?

Devotio Moderna is a religious practice in art. Art used to show reassurance of God's gace and the reality of the doctrine. Hans Memling's Diptych of Maarten van Nieuwnhove, humanized the holy stories and the depictions of the Virgin Mary.

How may the M�rode Altarpiece be understood in relation to the Devotio Moderna?How might we interpret Hans Memling's Diptych of Maarten van Nieuwwenhove as also reflecting these interests?

Like manuscript illustraion, Flemish panel painting told a story with or without words

What is the relationship between Flemish panel painting and manuscript illumination?

During Renissance artist's social status greatly increased, due to the commission of art by Dukes, Lords, wealthy , and chirch officals

Discuss the social position of the Renaissance artist. How did artists' social standing develop over time?

During Renissance, people started focusing on antiquities and that brought fourth the interest in mythological subject matters.

Discuss the rise of mythological subject matter in Renaissance art. Why would patrons commission these themes?

Organmichele, main street, held 32 life sized male figues that were commissioned to be humanistly inspired by Saints to be seen by all. In Bhiberti's Gates of Paradise, we can see extreme naturalism in the human form and space.

What humanist-inspired forms do we find in the sculptures created for Orsanmichele? In Ghiberti's Gates of Paradise?

Rome under the rule of Pope Julius II, wanted to fix and restruture Rome and to be remembered. He commissioned the most religious art. Had Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel, Raphael painting the Vatican Palace, where the Pope lived,

Describe Rome under the rule of Pope Julius II. What were the historical and political realities of the period?How is his personal agenda reflected in the art of High Renaissance Rome created by Michelangelo, Bramante, and Raphael?

Curing the Hugh Renissance, foucused more on compoisitional harmony, rather than only focusing on 1 subject matter. Human scale and a dramatic approach to narractive.
Michelangelo focused

What are the major stylistic characteristics of High Renaissance art and architecture?What innovations did Leonardo and Michelangelo introduce?

Byzantine Influence produced glass manufactering making venetian art famous venetian art introduced vibrant colours.

How was Venetian Renaissance art influenced by Byzantine traditions? What new genres were developed in Venetian Renaissance art?

Protestants started the reformation. Reformantist challenged catholic's pay to go to heaven faster policy.

Who started the Reformation? What aspects of Catholicism did the reformers challenge?

Counter Reformation/Reformation, saw that art moved away from religious purpose and banned nudity

What effect did the Reformation/Counter-Reformation have on the visual arts of sixteenth century Europe?

The council of Trent was created to counter against Protestant Reformation movement.

What was the Council of Trent? What was its influence on art?

Mannerism is

What is Mannerism? What visual qualities are associated with Mannerist art?