Art History Test 1 ACU

Venus of Willendorf

Willendorf, Austria
22,000 BCE

Lion Human

Hohlenstein, Germany
32,000 BCE

Spotted Horses and Human Hands

Peche-Merle, Dordogne, France
25,000 BCE

Hall of Bulls

Lascaux cave, Dordogne, France
15,000 BCE


Tuc d' Audoubert, France
13,000 BCE

G�bekli Tepe

�rencik, Turkey
10,000 - 8,000 BCE


7400 - 6200 BCE


Wiltshire, England
3000 - 1500 BCE

Standard of Ur

Ur, Iraq
2600 - 2400 BCE

Stele of Naram Sin

Susa, Iran
2254 - 2218 BCE

Nanna Ziggurat

Ur, Iraq
2100 - 2050 BCE

Head of Man (Akkadian Ruler)

Nineveh, Iraq
2300 - 2200 BCE

Votive statue of Gudea

Girsu, Iraq
2090 BCE

Cylinder Seal of the Queen of Puabi

Ur, Iraq
2600 - 2500 BCE

Stele of Hammurabi

Susa, Iran
1792 - 1750 BCE

Statue of the Storm God Baal

Minet el-Beidha, Iraq
1600 - 1200 BCE

Guardian Figures at the Gate of the Citadel of Sargon II

Dur Sharrukin, Iraq
721 - 706 BCE

Ishtar Gate

Babylon, Iraq
575 BCE


to engage in the art historical task is to develop a skillset
this involves practices of looking, questioning, and appreciation

Five Purposes of Art

expression, persuasion, functionality, narration, and ceremony

Panofsky's Method

German art historian developed a three-step method for looking at art
First, pre-iconographical analysis (visual)
Second, iconographical analysis symbolic
Third, iconological description (interpretive)
description, identification, interpretation

Art Criticism

evaluating art for its aesthetic and cultural worth, rather than using it to tell history

Critical Theory

critical analysis approach
indicates a method of investigating history, culture, and society across multiple disciplines


identifying, evaluating, and appreciating the quality of works of art


function of art in society


study of human beings and cultures
archaeology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology

Cultural Studies

interdisciplinary academic discipline that uses critical theory to examine the forces from which the whole of humankind construct their daily lives


branch of philosophical thought that is concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art


in Greek means "rule" or "measuring stick"
Art Historical Canon is a group of works considered to be fundamental to art history


time between written records

Stone Age

prehistoric period when stone implements were widely used
Paleolithic (old), Neolithic (new)


earliest writings found in ancient Mesopotamia 3200 BCE

Human History

Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa between 120,000 and 50,000 years ago

Global History

very early art found worldwide


transition from people living as hunter-gatherers to the development of farming and the domestication of animals


the way in which an artist organizes forms in an artwork either by placing shapes on a flat surface or arranging forms in space


horizontal beam used to span an opening


wall painting

Radiocarbon Dating

measuring the decay rate of carbon isotopes in organic matter to provide dates for organic materials

Sculpture in the Round

freestanding figures, three-dimensional


alloy made from combining tin and copper


arrangement of megalithic stones in a circle, often surrounded by a ditch


Greek for "great stone"
large, roughly hewn stone used in the construction of monumental prehistoric structures


system of construction in which two posts support a lintel

Relief Sculpture

figures projecting from a background of which they are part
designated high, low, or sunken


upright timber at the apex of a roof that supports the upper ends of rafters

State + Religion

Ancient Near East brought about the birth of art in the service of the state and religion
combined with writing, Mesopotamian objects give the first systematic record of human development,


area between Tigris and Euphrates rivers
called the cradle of civilization because it is the first place where complex urban centers grew


guardian figures that are usually hybrids of men and animals protected the entrances to important cites

Lands of the Old Testament

from Israel's captivity by the Assyrians in 722, to Judah's captivity in Babylon and eventual release


ancient near east buildings were created for religion (ziggurats), or the state (palaces)

Narrative Works

through image, Assyrian artists told complex narrative tales


latin for "wedge-shaped"
system of writing used in ancient Mesopotamia, in which wedge-shaped characters were produced by pressing a stylus into a soft clay tablet, which was then hardened

Ground Line

in paintings and reliefs, a baseline in which figures appear to stand


usually stylized picture that represents an idea
or paining on rock

Votive offering

gift of gratitude to a deity

Cylinder Seal

cylindrical piece of hard stone usually about an inch or so in height, decorated with an incised design, so that a raised pattern was left when the seal was rolled over soft clay

Hieratic Scale

artistic convention in which greater size indicates greater importance


one of a series of superimposed bands or friezes in a pictorial narrative, or the particular levels on which motifs are placed


ancient Mesopotamian architecture, a monumental platform for a temple