Art 100 EXAM 3

What are the main characteristics of Trompe l'Oeil painting?

Very lifelike.
Done by men for men.
Sold in department stores.

What did William Hornett paint?

Trompe l'Oeil paintings like "The Faithful Colt" and "After The Hunt

Who is Daniel Burnham and J. Root?

Architects who designed "Monadonock Building" and "The Rookery

Who is Louis Sullivan?

Thought of as the most important architect.
Boxlike buildings
"Transportation Building

Why were buildings built up?

Cheaper in land
New materials

Who is Daniel Chester French?

Designer of "Court of Honor: The Basin

Charles Atwood designed the "Palace of Fine Arts" which is now what?

The Science and Industry Museum in Chicago

Who is Louis Tiffany?

Creator of the "Lotus Flower Table Lamps"
New types of glass.
Found inspiration on the back of pigeon's necks and beetles.

Who is Mary Cassatt?

Painted for the Women's Building
Knew European masters by living in France
"Modern Woman

What was Mary Cassatt's approach to the subject of women in her paintings?

They held deeper social statements than just everyday life.

Who were the painters of the Ashcan School?

Robert Henri, George Bellows, John Sloan

What were the characteristics of the Ashcan school paintings?

Painted before it was dry - wet into wet
Journalistic, scrappy, spontaneous, mischievous.

Who was the best Ashcan painter?

Georg Bellows

What did Jacob Riis do?

Photographer that exposed poverty hoping to change the lives of those he photographed.
Introduces flash photography with magnesium powder.

Who said "Paint it fast, all in one sitting if you can"?

Robert Henri

Who is Morgan Russell?


Who is Stanton Macdonald-Wright?


What are the 6 aesthetic schools of thought?

Imitationist, Formalist, Expressionist, Linguistic, Intitutionist and Instrumental

What does Non-Contextualist mean?

Don't care about the message or context.

What dies Contextualist mean?

Deeper meaning, idea, context.

What is the Imitationist Theory?

Art mirrors reality.
Very realistic looking, like a photograph.

Example of Imitationist Theory

Looks like real life because it's so realistic

What is the Formalist Theory?

Art is tied to principles and elements of design.
How its composed: Balance, color, texture, light, etc.

Example of Formalist Theory

Composed well, has balance, light value, texture, line, space, etc. Formal elements.

What is the Expressionist Theory?

Art is tied to FEELINGS and EMOTIONS.
How it makes me feel.

Example of Expressionist Theory

Expression - art is tied to feelings and emotions. How it makes me feel as the viewer.

What is the Instrumentalist Theory?

Art is an INSTRUMENT to a larger goal.
Mostly political.
The significance of the piece.

Example of Instrumentalist Theory

Art is an instrument or means to a larger goal. Political art.

What is the Linguistic Theory?

Art is tied to language communities or cultures.
Understood in a special way by a particular group.

Example of Linguistic Theory

How we can express and interpret meaning in art.

What is the Instiutionalist Theory?

How objects or events are treated in society.

Example of Insitutionalist Theory

Explain how and why certain pieces are considered art

What is the Armory Show?

Artwork done by American and European artists that travelled across the country. Had to accept every piece that was submitted.

What was the most controversial piece in the Armory Show?

Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2" by Marcel Duchamp

Who is Marsden Hartley?

Openly gay avant-garde artist that moves to Berlin where he falls in love with a german officer who later dies in the war.

Who is Charles Demuth?

Founder of Precisionism - hard edged, stream line forms.
"I saw the figure 5 in gold

Who is Georgia O'Keefe?

Artist who was influenced by how light plays on different forms
Photography influeced paintings.

What is F64?

Group of photographers named after the smallest aperture on a camera.
Small depth of field, incredible sharpness.
How photography displays what paintings cannot.

Who are some F64 photographers?

Imogen Cunningham, Ansel Adams, Edward Weston

How did Jos� Vasconcelos impact the art of post-revolutionary Mexico?

Supported the arts to boost the Mexican Revolution.

What did Paul Weston and Tina Modotti have to do with the book "Idols Behind Altars"?

Photographed for it

Who is Edward Weston?

F64 photographer fascinated with Mexico.
Fruits/ veggies to look like bodies.

Who is Mary Colter?

Influenced Santa Fe style architecture

Who wasn't a Harlem Renaissance artist?

Henry Ossawa Tanner

What is Abstraction?

Reduction of nature into elemental form

Who were two abstract painters?

Arthur Dove and Morgan Russell?

What is Avant-Garde?

Art ahead of its time and embraces the new

What is Modernism?

Form is more important than content

What is Synchromy?

Vivid color

Who started Cubism?

Pablo Picasso

What was the FSA?

Photographing rural / poverty
No manipulation in the pictures.

What is Pictorialism?

Photographs that look like movement and play with the effects of movement.

Who were the FSA photographers?

Walker Evans and Dorthea Lange

What was the problem that Nelson Rockefeller had with Rivera's RCA murals in the Rockefeller Center in New York, and what was his solution?

Should feature an American hero like Abraham Lincoln. Moved to Mexico City where Rivera could put whoever he wanted on it.

Who is Stuart Davis?

Collage paintings influenced by jazz

Who is Alexander Calder?

Inventor of the mobile

Why did Hitler hate abstract art?

It couldn't be easily manipulated

What is "kitsch" or "art for the masses"?

Replicating and mass producing cheap materials into different objects made to look expensive.