Art History

Cave art

paintings, engravings, and art on the walls of caves and shelters made of rock, especially depicting animals, produced by Upper Paleolithic peoples of Western Europe between about 28,000 and 10,000 years ago.


Great renaissance master artist; sculptor; Pieta: most famous: Pieta (Mary and dead Jesus) ; David; Ceiling of Sistine Chapel: Biblical scenes, God reaching Adam, last judgement, Moses

Lascaux France

site of cave paintings by nomadic bands that show lifestyle, beliefs, animism (spirits reside in animals, objects, or dreams) Hall of bulls


Neolithic, Prehistoric, architecture Post and Lintel circle of megalithic stones.

Roman architecture

Borrowed heavily from other cultures such as Greek: Columns and arches. They also developed new idea: Arches, colosseum, baths, aqueduct.

The colosseum

What was a central amphitheater in Rome, that was completed in 80 A.D., was made of concrete, seated 50,000 speculators, hosted gladiator/chariot games/races and other deadly events.

Illuminated manuscripts

A hand written book decorated with bright colors and precious metals. A decorative art of the Middle Ages characterized by large ornate capitals and decorated borders. Monks created them.


A large church, paid for by the town, that was the highlight of the town. There are two types, Romanesque and Gothic.

Stained glass

Artistic arrangement of colored glass pieces held in placed with lead strips; used extensively in Gothic cathedrals.


A marble sculpture by Michelangelo depicts a young teenager just after he took down the 9' Philistine giant, Goliath with his sling shot.

Leonardo da Vinci

Italian painter, engineer, musician, and scientist. The most versatile genius of the Renaissance, he filled notebooks with engineering and scientific observations that were in some cases centuries ahead of their time. As a painter he is best known for The


A sculpture of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, holding the dead body of Jesus. A famous sculpture by Michelangelo.


(1483-1520) Italian Renaissance painter; he painted frescos, his most famous being The School of Athens.

School of Athens

High Renaissance fresco painted by Raphael in the Papal Palace in Rome; it depicts ancient philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle

Last Judgement

Painted by Michelangelo- (1536-1541) on the alter wall, a description of event described in Matt. 24:30-31 (Jesus Christ's judgment of the living and the dead on the last day when he comes to fully establish God's Kingdom.)

Sistine chapel

Michelangelo painted this ceiling and rear wall for the Pope.

Mona Lisa

A painting by Leonardo da Vinci of a woman with a mysterious smile. It is now of the most readily recognized paintings in the world.

The last supper

A fresco painted by Leonardo da Vinci depicting Jesus and his disciples at the moment Jesus announces that one of them has betrayed him.


Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the BRONZE nude statue David.

Madonna and child

A famous painting by Raphael. It is a picture with Mary holding baby Jesus. A common theme in art.

Rose window

A round window, often filled with stained glass; common on the facades of Gothic cathedrals.


A man who gave up all of his property and dedicated his life to God; monks stayed in monasteries where they prayed, worked hard, and lived quiet, serious lives; they copied old Greek and Roman manuscripts, helped the poor and needy, and converted people t

Doric, ionic, corinthian

Three forms of Greek columns that represent what is still known as classical architecture. Doric is the simplest; Corinthian is the most elaborate.


A mythical Egyptian beast with the body of a lion and the head of a human. (Told riddles and was very cunning) Large stone statue in Giza Egypt.


A massive structure with a square base and four triangular sides that meet at a point. In the Old Kingdom, were used as tombs for the pharaohs.


A paperlike writing material made from the skins of sheep or goats

Gold leaf

Real gold beaten into thin sheets and applied to other surfaces, very commonly on Illuminated Manuscripts.

The Starry Night

Painted by Vincent van Gogh, A painting by Van Gogh that is an evening cityscape.


painted by Claude Monet, who dammed up a stream in his backyard to make a lilly pond, celebrating color and light {impressionism}

Vincent van Gogh

Dutch postimpressionist painter noted for his use of color (1853-1890)

Jan van Eyck

A Northern Renaissance painter that is credited for discovering oil paint.


A painter who is remembered for being the first to use linear perspective to give his work a three-dimensional quality.

Florence, Italy

In the 1400s this city was the capital of Europe's cloth trade, home of the richest bank and the center for art.

Leonardo da Vinci

This left handed artist wrote his notes backwards to keep his ideas private. A mirror was needed to read them.


-rebirth of art, culture, and intellect started in Italy 1350-1600 A.D.


Ancient people made these stone coffins, often decorated with artwork, inscriptions, and sometimes covered with gold and precious stones.


An ancient Egyptian writing system using picture symbols for ideas or sounds is ___________.


Her name means "The Beautiful One" -Ancient Egyptian wife of Amenhotep/Akhenaton, renowned as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Nile river

The world's longest river, which flows northward through East Africa into the Mediterranean Sea
longest river in Africa, provides fertile land for crops, protection and transportation.


She was the last pharaoh of Egypt; a beautiful queen who had an affair with Julius Caesar, with his aid, she maintained control of her country. Their affair resulted in a son, Caesarion. After Caesar's death, she had a relationship with Marc Antony. The s

Ancient Egyptian style

This style of painting was stiff, formal and blocky. Figures often look flat and are seen in profile.