Intro to Art 203: The Renaissance


� "rebirth" following the Middle Ages.
� movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome.


� grammar, rhetoric, history, poetry, and moral philosophy.
� worldview that focuses on human.
� focuses on individual achievement to help community aka civic pride.

Civic pride

� If you're wealthy you're expected to have the best home.
� not just helping the individual, but the city as a whole aka "one's civic responsibility".

High Renaissance Art



� First free-standing life-size nude bronze statue (before body was seen as bad).
� mixed with Biblical influences.
� contrapposto "s" figure.
� hollow figure AKA
lost wax process
s* (technique typically used for smaller figures and things).


Example of one point linear perspective bringing together the two figures.
Shows figures that depict human achievement.


� From Florence.
� Pope wanted him to paint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling (shows scenes of the bible in sections painted off).

Interior of the Sistine Chapel (the Vatican, Rome)
High Renaissance Art

Interior of the Sistine Chapel

The Creation of Adam (in the Sistine Chapel vault
the Vatican, Rome)
High Renaissance Art

The Creation of Adam
� A very humanistic depiction of God.
� negative space used to separate two figured.
� used a fresco technique painting on wet plaster.

The Last Judgment (in the Sistine Chapel
the Vatican, Rome)
High Renaissance Art

The Last Judgment

The School of Athens,
(Stanza della Segnatura, the Vatican, Rome)
High Renaissance Art

School of Athens
� human knowledge philosophy / science.
� Plato and Aristotle in middle of picture.
� space= example of one point linear perspective bringing the eyes to the two figures.
� shows figure that depict human achievement.


Last Supper
1445- 1450

Da Vinci

The Last Supper
Late 15th century

Gates of Paradise

Bronze sculptures with Biblical references on Chappell door


� more tension between Father and Son.
� full and classical nude.
� more space.
� cast in two parts and bronze.


� less attention to anatomy.
� looks scarier.
� focused on figures.
� cast in multiple parts and more bronze/ $$.
� loses --> feels bad and goes to Rome but learns linear perspective

Brunelleschi invented one-point linear perspective

which revolutionized painting and paved the way for
naturalistic styles to develop as the Renaissance digressed from the stylized figures of medieval art

Brunelleschi Dome

Florence cathedral dome

Linear perspective

Parallel lines look like they converge at vanishing point.


� over sexuality with sculpture.
� civic symbolism powerful symbol for Florence.
Florence= David & Gilius= Milan.
� Florence saw themselves as Heirs of Roman Republic.


� Greek and Roman influence.
� weight on one foot and other leg semi- bent.
� bodies curved like an "S".
� shoulders tilted.
� looks more relaxed or like they're moving.
� naturalistic way.
� humanistic learning.

This sculpture is an example of ________
A. Sfumato
B. Contrapasto
C. Chiaroscuro
D. Fresco secco

B. Contrapasto

What medium was used for this famous painting?
A. Fresco
B. Oil on panel
C. Tempura
D. Gouache on gesso

A. Fresco

Prior to this painting, most representations of the last summer look very similar. What key features did Leonardo change in his version? (pick two)
A. Leonardo included Mary Magdalene, who was not normally presented in paintings of The Last Supper.
B. Leo


Which of the following is
true of Raphael's School of Athens?
A. The two Central figures in the painting are Christ and St. Peter.
B. Raphael was working on this painting at the same time that Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
C. T


Which of the following is
true of this relief panel from Ghiberti's Gates of paradise?
A. It was commissioned for the doors of Florence baptistery.
B. It uses linear perspective to create a believable space.
C. The figures are abstracted to show that


Who developed linear perspective during the early renaissance?
A. Sandro Bottocelli
B. Leonardo da Vinci
C. Lorenzo Ghiberti
D. Filippo Brunelleschi


Which of the following is
considered a high renaissance artist?
A. Leonardo da Vinci
B. Michelangelo
C. Donatello
D. Raphael


The shift in Attitude during the Renaissance were religious Fairview was mitigated biological thought, increased interest in classical learning and philosophy, and believe that people are capable of great things is referred to as:
A. Realism
B. The Enligh


During the Renaissance in Florence, many important artworks, including the statues around Orsanmichele, were commissioned by:
A. The Pope
B. The Duke of Milan
C. Guilds abd wealthy merchants
D. The landed aristocracy


David, the biblical underdog, defeated his giant enemy with God's help. Who identified as David?
A. The Duke of Milan
B. The Sienese
C. The Pope
D. The Florentines


Which of the following is
true of Donatello's David?
A. Donatello's David was the first free-standing full size nude since antiquity.
B. Donatello's David shows a revival of the classical interest in and respect for the body.
C. This sculpture is made
