Chapter 7: Roman Art

Temple of Portunus
-80-70 BCE
-italic style: on podium, frontal access emphasized, engaged lateral columns instead of peristyle
-ionic columns slender like classical greek
-white marble stucco covering columns ~ evokes greek architecture

The Roman Republican period dates from

509-27 BCE
builders used greek doric, ionian and corinthian orders of architecture and the greek peristyle plan
also employed new forms such as the arch, and invented concrete which gave them increased flexibility in building forms
potential of vaults and

-late 1st C BCE
-modern bronze bust
-over life size
-veristic male portrait: hyper realistic portrait emphasizing individual characteristics, "true"
-inlaid eyes ~ lifelike
-strong features ~ solid neck, square jaw, short beard accentuating jaw, hi

Veristic Male Portrait
-early 1st C BCE
-life size
-no idealizing
-shows signs of age w/ warts, wrinkled face, receding hairline, frowning forehead, "crows feet", sallow crags in cheeks, furrowed brow, wrinkles in neck, hooked nose, downturned cor

Augustus of Primaporta
-modeled in part after the Doryphoros and greek sculpture
-possibly copy
-20 CE
-2.03 m
-chiastic stance, smooth features, fleshy chin, hair ~ doryphoros
-cowlick in hair ~ alexander
-nxt to right ankle is Cupid (Eros) son o

Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius
-161-80 CE
-gilded bronze portrait on horseback
-over life size
-1 arm outstretched in gesture "granting mercy"
-sits calmly astride spirited horse, commands animal and is above men both socially and physically, not a

Ara Pacis Augustae, West fa�ade
-13-9 BCE
-width 10.7 m
-aka the Altar of Augustan Peace
-relief panels represent allegorical figures, personifications and figures from Rome's legendary past
-in upper registers, panel shows she wolf sucking infant

Ara Pacis Augustae, Imperial Procession south Frieze
-13-9 BCE
-1.6 m
-aka from the Altar of Augustan Peace
-processional frieze w/ Augustus depicted in gap
-resembles greek parthenon frieze ~ preference of greek styles in Augustan age
-includes #

Arch of Titus, Rome
-81 CE
-free standing arch, earliest surviving Roman arch
-located at East end of Roman Forum
-inscription and small relief panel describe Titus as a god ~ commemorative monument of his divination post death
-principal sculptur

Relief in Bay of Arch of Titus
-showing procession of spoils from the Temple in Jerusalem
-81 CE
-2.39 m
-emphasizes transition b/w two places
-soldiers carry booty like menorah and sacred looted furniture through streets
-mvmt twd spatial illusio

Column of Trajan
-106-13 CE
-exemplifies exploration of space and narrative strategies
-located in small court west of forum
-height of column is ht of hill that was cleared to make way for construction of forum
-150' ht supported gilde

Lower Portion of Column of Trajan, Rome
-106-13 CE
-height of relief band 127cm
-features rows 1-4
-relief varies in levels ~ spatial illusionism
-viewer experience moving about
-illegible above these scenes from base
1. roman army crossing river


rectangular open space surrounded by govt buildings
colonnaded on 3 sides
site of triumphal processions, law ct, public affairs, elections

View of the Forum in Rome
-heart of civic life during roman republic
-6th C BCE, 1st of its kind
-feat'd markets, basilica, senate house, temples, treastury, gladiators fought in empty space at ctr w/ wooden bleachers
-accomodated many daily essential rom

Forum, Rome

Exterior of Colosseum
-72-80 CE
-aka Flavian's Amphitheater
-seated 55,000
-1 of largest buildings anywhere 159' ht, 616' long, 512' wide
-concrete core faced w/ travertine ~ durable
-80 radial barrel vaulted wedges ringed oval arena
-each barrel va

-72-80 CE
-aka Flavian's Amphitheater

Pantheon, Rome
-117-125 CE
-all concrete
-one of best preserved temples of rome due to mistaken conversion to church during early 7th C -raised on podium
-large rectangular court at s end
-porticoes framed N,E,W sides and extended up to pedimental porch

Interior of Pantheon
-117-125 CE
-domed ceiling w/ oculus and coffers
-aggregate composition manipulation to enable construction and stability
-engaged pilasters and bronze gilles decorated attic level
-7 large niches at ground level cardinal points

Aqueduct, Segovia
-aka Aqueduct in Pont du Gard
-1st/early 2nd C CE
-carried water 10.5 miles
-unfinished granite surface ~ looks strong
-of granite and concrete w/o mortat ~ durable, massive, craftsmanship
-most flow underground
-when had to cross valley

Portrait of Constantine the Great
-early 4th C CE
-2.4 m, over life size
-placed in apse of basilica of constantine
-combines abstraction w/ augustan classicism
-large and deeply carved eyes ~ abstract, reference to near E large eyes as seeing and

Arch of Constantine
-312-315 CE
-triple bayed arch dedicated to constantine
-near colosseum
-1 of largest imperial arches
-most of sculptural frieze are spolia: sculptural and architectural borrowings from other monuments, "hide stripped from an ani

Constantinian Relief from Arch of Constantine
-constantine addressing senate and people form rostrum
-figures crowd scene ~ roman, depth, mvmt
-heads large, bodies stocky, poses unnaturally rigid ~ abstract
-lines provide anatomic detail instead of modeli

Baths of Caracalla
-Emperor Caracalla
-211-216 CE
-frigidarium was largest room, roofed by 3 groin vaults
-caldarium was circular room
-marble panels revetted walls
-sculptures animated halls
-all rooms
-hypocaust system

Basilica of Maxentius, renamed Basilica of Constantine
-307 CE
-largest roofed interior in rome
-3 aisles, lateral aisles covered by transverse barrel vaults, central aisle(naive) covered w/ 3 massive groin vaults
-b/c groin vault distributed wt/thr

Market of Trajan
-112 CE

Interior of Market of Trajan
-112 CE

Hadrian's Wall
-128 CE

Roman republican period dates

509-27 BCE

during roman republic period builders

used greek doric, ionic and corinthian orders of architecture and the greek peristyle plan
also employed new forms such as the arch
invented concrete gave great flexibility in building forms

vaults, arches and the use of concrete was explored by the Romans in buildings such as

the Colosseum, the Pantheon and the Basilica of Constantine

The Forum of Caesar

constructed at end of Caesar's life
served as prototype for all subsequent imperial fora

Portrait sculpture from the republican period tends to be...


Imperial period in Rome dates

27 BCE - 295 CE

Imperial period trends

new trend in roman portraiture with reign of Augustus where emperor depicted as a youth, eternal, ageless
in Augustan art there is a link to the emperor's divine ancestry, proposed by Virgil in the Aenid ~ duality of divine and secular rule, hence presenc

Much of what we know about imperial architecture comes from...

studies of Pompeii and Herculaneum which were destroyed but preserved in the volcanic eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79 CE
roman houses and villas followed a regular axial plan with rooms arranged along longitudinal axis from the entrance(vestibule) or atrium

Late Roman portraiture

moved away from highly realistic busts of republic and early imperial roman sculpture
new abstract pattern exalting spiritual life rather than an exact portrait
ex: Colossal heal of Constantine combines specific physical traits with abstract features

in the writings of Plotinus

new spiritual attitudes are evident
late antiquity

Who were the legendary founders of Rome?

Romulus and Remus
Romulus killed Remus

What type of infrastructure facilitated the Roman legion's to expand the Empire?

bridge across River Rhine
built in 10 days despite width, depth and current of River
long and strong bridge crossing entire river and able to support weight of army
foundation of wooden piles driven into bedrock at an oblique angle to provide stability, t

When was Julius Caesar in power?

49-44 BCE
then assassinated
replaced by Octavian, who changed his name to Augustus

What accomplishments is Julius Caesar best known for?

bridge across River Rhine in 10 days, demonstrating that Rome could go and conquer any territory, after traveling N returned to Rome dismantling the bridge after crossing back over it ~ conquest of Gaul, Germanic ppls
doubled size of empire's territory

Who reigned after Julius Caesar?

Octavian, who changed his name to Augustus
21-14 CE/AD
1st emperor of Rome

What is an aqueduct?

a water supply or navigable channel constructed to convey water
momentum of water driven by gravity down sloping channel

Which emperor had a major impact on aqueducts?

built 2 major aqueducts

How does an aqueduct work?

enabled by dvlpmt of concrete
superior engineering skills
carried water from mtn springs 100 miles away to cities and towns
carried water via very gradual downward slope toward city/destination in channel so gravity provided momentum for water to flow

What is the Domus Aurea?

the "Golden House"
built by Emperor Nero in 68 CE
Roman empire's most lavish pleasure palace
built by slaves in 4 years
in heart of city, conveniently large portion of city burnt to the ground to clear space for palace
built to evoke sense of seaside vill

what is a vault?

arched ceiling of stone, brick or concrete
aka barrel vault
passageway created by continuous arches

What is Flavian's Amphitheater's more common name?

The Roman Colosseum
72-80 CE

When did Trajan reign?

98-117 CE
from Spain, 1st non-italian roman emperor
extended empire to its greatest extent collecting great spoils of war which funded building projects
replaced emperor Nerva
military man

What are Emperor Trajan's most important building projects?

Trajan's Forum
Trajan's Column
Trajan's Market
built in order to appeal to people's sense of supremacy, to legitimize his rule and gain pubic support

Trajan's Forum

heart of civic life
replaced Roman forum as main forum
featured a basilica that was the largest ever built
opulence, gilded decoration
larger than forums of all predecessors combined
Apollodorus of Damascus was greek architect
carved out part of hill adja

Trajun's Column

around facade CCW spiral relief carving about Trajan's invasion of Dacia
height exceeds 100'
height of column marked height of hill that had to be cleared to make way for the forum, column and marketplace
106-113 CE

Trajan's Market

a piazza
part of the forum
112 CE
6 story roman shopping mall built/ carved into hillside ~strong and supported by hillside construction
1st 3 stories in hemicircle w/ hillside backing or stabilizing it
over 150 store fronts
mainstream for masses
daily li

When did Emperor Hadrian Reign?

117-138 CE
Trajan's adopted son
military man hence Hadrian's Wall

Why is Hadrian's wall an example of Roman engineering genius?

built in 128 CE
barricade to seal off empire from Barbarian invasion
goal was to protect territory, not gain more
most ambitious roman fortification, largest ever constructed
sealed NW border
disciplined troops and made Rome appear more powerful, psycholo

What makes the Pantheon so remarkable?

117-125 CE
built in capital city w/ goal of reviving and besting Augustan buildings
rebuilt burnt down temple complex
majestic temple to Roman Gods
rotunda w/ 150' dome atop that has no buttresses and features 30' oculus
portico is 10' short...columns are


building w/ circular plan covered w/ a dome


recessed panels in a ceiling
served 2 purposes in the Pantheon
1. aesthetically pleasing
2 reduced amount of concrete necessary to construct ceiling/dome


hole at ctr of ceiling
30' oculus at center of dome of the Pantheon
provided a lack of concrete and wt at the weakest area of the dome

What building material was used for the Pantheon's dome?

concrete aggregate
concrete varying in density and weight
hollow jugs were mixed into concrete to provide the bulk without the mass (incorporation of hollow air space w/in concrete)

What did engineers of the Pantheon do in order to achieve the building's structural safety?

1. 20' thick vertical walls supporting dome (effectively buttressing dome)
2. as dome ascended, employed lighter aggregate and thinner layers lessening weight
3. recessed panel coffers made up ceiling ~ aesthetically pleasing and lessened amount of concre

When did emperor Caracalla reign?

211-217 CE
sent empire spiraling twd self destruction
rose to power via murder killing brother

What makes the baths of Caracalla stand out among Roman baths?

built in 5 years
complex, place to bathe and country club open to people of every class
structure of marble decorated w/ sculpture
most massive bath ever built, 2000 person capacity
series of giant rooms w/ olympic sized pools, private central building tr

what rooms and facilities did the Baths of Caracalla consist of?

libs, temples, lecture halls, changing rooms, shops, brothels, natatio, frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium, gymnasium, etc


open air bathing pool


cold bath room at center, largest room


warm bath room, smaller area


hot bath room


workout room