Nouns and Articles Practice

los n�meros

What is the plural form of "el n�mero"?

unos diario

What is the plural form of "un diario"?

las estudiantes

What is the plural form of "la estudiante"?

los conductores

What is the plural form of "el conductor"?

los pa�ses

What is the plural form of "el pa�s"?

la cosa

What is the singular form of "las cosas"?

un turista

What is the singular form of "unos turistas"?

la nacionalidades

What is the singular form of "las nacionalidades"?

una computadora

What is the singular form of "unas computadoras"?

el problema

What is the singular form of "los problemas"?

unas fotograf�a

What is the plural form of "una fotograf�a"?

el profesor

What is the singular from of "los profesores"?

una se�orita

What is the singular form of "unas se�oritas"?

los hombres

What is the plural form of "el hombre"?

las grabadoras

What is the plural form of "la grabadora"?

las se�oras

What is the plural form of "la se�ora"?