Prehistoric Art Chapter 1

What Characteristics make the Human with feline head from Germany a significant find?

Oldest known sculpture, showed paleolithic people had the ability of abstract thought and forward thinking

The woman of Willendorf figurine was probably used for what purpose?

fertility statue

What purposes are suggested for the art in caves at Altimira, Chauvet, Pech-merle and Lascaux?

no one knows why but some theories are they were decorations, they may have had magical properties, they used the art for rituals to improve hunters luck. the animals served as teaching tools, or to assure the survival of the herd.

Ultimately why will the works in the ancient caves remain a mystery?

Before the invention of writing no explanation could be recorded

How did the artist create negative " handprints"?

by using reeds or hallow bones to spray ground ochers

If the composition with the rhinoceros, wounded man, and disemboweled bison tells a story why is this significant in art history?

If the painter placed the figures beside each other to tell a story than this is evidence for the creation of complex narrative compositions involving humans and animals much earlier than anyone expected

Identify two aspects of Neolithic peoples that changed the economic basis of their lives?

Agriculture and stock raising be came human kinds major food sources. Development of stone implements.

What do passage graves such as Newgrange tell us about Neolithic society's view of death?

The importance of honoring the dead in Neolithic society

Tell a probable purpose for Stonehenge

solar calendar

What purpose does the "heel stone" serve at stonehenge?

marks the point where the sun rose at the summer solstice

Explain how social and economic changes that mark the shift from the paleolithic period to the neolithic period are reflected in the art work?

With the beginning of agriculture and the formation of the first settled communities people had more time or resources to make art. Also with farming they made art by tracking the seasons.

What did Paleolithic art depict

hunting scenes animal carvings or fertility

What is considered to be an attempt by stone age peoples to gain some sort of control over their environment whether magic or ritual, and represents a giant leap in human cognition abstract thinking

paleolithic art

When was the Neolithic age

8000-3000 BCE

What is the literal meaning of Neolithic

new stone

what type of societies were humans settled into


what was the climate like in neolithic age

ice age ended climate stable

When did Paleolithic Art begin

40,000 years ago

When was the Paleolithic age

30,000-10,000 BCE

Give an example of Portable art

figurines or decorated objects

Give an example of Stationary art

did not move Altimira and Lascaux

Where is the Human with the feline head from

Hohlenstein-Stadel Germany

What is the date of the Human with the feline head

30,000-28000 BCE

What is the medium of the Human with the feline head

Mammoth Ivory

What is the size of the Human with the feline head

11 5/8

Where is the Nude woman Venus of Willendorf from

Willendorf Austria

What is the date of the Venus of Willendorf

28000-25000 BCE

What is the Venus of Willendorf medium

natural shape of the stone

What is the significance of the human with the feline head?

oldest known sculpture

What is the significance of Venus of Willendorf

fertility image

What is the date of the cave at Altamire, Spain

13,000-11,000 BCE

What is the medium of the Altamire, Spain


What is the function and Significance of Altamire

showed the skill's and knowledge of paleolithic people

What is in the cave at Pech-Merle, France

spotted horses and negative hand imprints

What is the date of the cave Pech-Merle, France

23,00-22,000 BCE

What is the date of the Chauvet Cate, Vallon-pon-d'Arc

30,000-28,000 or 15,000 to 13,000

What is the significance of Aurochs, horses and rhicoceroses

Over lapping and animal horns

Where is the rhinoceros, wounded man and disemboweled bison painting?

Lascaux france

What is the date of the Lascaux France paintings

16,000-14,000 BCE

What is the significance of the rhinoceros, wounded man, and disemboweled bison?

earliest example of narrative art

What is the date of the Chinese horse in lascaux

16000-14000 BCE

What is the significance of the Chinese horse

pregnant running horse coloring very good

What are the Paleolithic period art works

Human with feline head, nude woman Venus of Willendorf, Altamira Spain, spotted horses and negative hand imprints Pech-Merle, Aurochs, horses and rhinoceroses chavet cave, Rhinoceros, wounded man and disemboweled bison lascaux

What are the Neolithic period art works

corbeled vault of newgrange, house 1 skara brae, stonehenge, salisbury plain wilshire england

what is the date of newgrange

3200-2500 BCE

What is newgrange made of?


what is the significance of newgrange?

passage grave one of the oldest in europe

What is the date of Skara Brae

3100-2500 BCE

What is the date of Stonehenge Salisbury plain

2550-1600 BCE

What is composition

the way in which an artist organizes forms in an artwork, either by placing shapes on a flat surface or arranging forms in space

What is corbeled vault

a vault formed by the piling of stone blocks in horizontal courses, cantilevered inward until the two walls meet in an arch

what is freestanding sculpture

freestanding gigures, carved or modeled in three dimensions

what are megalith

greek "great stone" a large, roughly hewn stone used in the construction of monumental prehistoric structures.

what does neolithic mean

the "new" stone age

what does Paleolithic mean

the "old" stone age

What is a passage grave

a prehistoric tomb with a long stone corridor leading to a burial chamber covered by a great tumulus

what is post-and-lintel system

a system of construction in which two posts support a lintel

what is radiocarbon dating

a method of measuring the decay rate of carbon isotopes in organic matter to provide dates for organic materials such as wood and fiber

what is relief

in sculpture, figures projecting from a background of which they are part. the degree of relief is designated high, low, or sunken, in the last, the artist cuts the design into the surface so that the highest projecting parts of the image are no higher th

what is perspective

a convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally; also called twisted perspective

how did food correspond to the paleolithic era

hunter gatherers move to the food source transitory people

how did food correspond to the neolithic era

herders raise livestock lived in settlements, divided labor into occupations farmer

Which was first pyramids of giza of stonehenge


what was the purpose of newgrange
