Art Final


How you arrange the objects and space on you page


The range from extreme darkness to light and suggests dimension in an image
Gradation of tone from dark to light


A technique you use to demonstrate Chiaroscuro using smooth gradations of tone

Diagonal Composition

Helps make the artwork feel exciting and dynamic

Medium and Media

The material that you use to create your piece


Another word that would describe your picture or artwork

Overlapping Form

A way to add depth to your artwork

Focal Point

The place where the eye of the viewer focuses attention

Horizontal Composition

Makes the artwork fee still and quiet

Vertical Composition

Makes the artwork feel strong and at attention

In a strong composition, it is not advised to...

place object in center of composition

Gesture drawing

done to focus on proportion placement of composition

View Finder

Used by artist to aid in gesture drawing

Contour Drawing

Is very sow and focused on what you see

Blind Contour Drawing

When you draw what you see, but do not look at your paper

When you create a contour drawing...

you use line to give the illusion of 3 dimensions

Implied line

when you purposely draw a broken line in contour drawing to give the illusion of raised or highlighted areas

Line weight

When you draw some lines heavier and darker in contour drawing to give the illusion of recessed areas and shadows

In Chiaroscuro the edges of an object in your drawing are defined by


To create effective use of Chiaroscuro the artistic subject must have a

Light source

Chiaroscuro gives the illusion of

3 dimension

Chiaroscuro means... in Italian

Light and shade/ light and dark

To create gradations of tone using a pencil you must...

adjust pressure

In Chiaroscuro, items that are darker in value

go to the back

Elements of Art

Line, shape, form, value, texture, color and space

Principles of Art

Balance, unity, movement, proportion, variety and emphasis


A circle drawn in perspective

When you draw glassware...

Ellipse must match

In perspective drawing, your eye level is best described as...

Horizon Line

In perspective drawing vertical lines in squares or cubes are always...


In perspective drawing the place where lines disappear is called the...

Vanishing Point

A contemporary career in which an artist will use perspective is


Blue and Orange are examples of


What are primary colors

Any of a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing; red, blue, yellow

Black and Whites are considered


Examples of Secondary colors

orange, green and purple

Tertiary Colors

red orange, orange yellow, blue green

Color triad

Red Blue Yellow

Analogous Colors

next to each other on color wheel



To create a tint

add white to desired color

To create a shade

add black to desired color

Color Saturation



Another name for color

To create a more muted color

mix desired color with complement

Linear Hatching

Technique used to show dimension in drawing using parallel lines

Cross Hatching

Technique used to show dimension in drawing using varying amounts of intersecting lines


Technique used to show value using different sizes and amounts of dots

Linear hatching, cross hatching, and stipple

Can be recreated in black and white for printing newspapers

True or False
An artwork that is balanced seems to have equal visual weight of interest in all areas


True or False
A color wheel is commonly used to remember color relationships when working with pigments


True or False
Secondary colors are directly opposite each other on the color wheel


True or False
The term value refers to the brightness or dullness of a color


True or False
Intermediate of Tertiary colors are made by mixing equal parts of two primary colors


True or False
A line can vary in length, width, direction, curvature, value and color


True or False
Monochromatic refers to a painting done in one value

Monochromatic: different shades, tints and tone of one color

True or False
A secondary color is created when two primary colors are mixed


True or False
You cannot see through an opaque object


True or False
When complementary colors are mixed together, they make a neutral brown or gray


True or False
Cool colors are colors that have white added to them


True or False
The term three dimensional may be applied to drawings and paintings

give illusion of 3D

True or False
The elements of design include line, color, value, shape, form, texture, and space


True of False
The principles of design include line, color, value, shape, form, texture, and space


True or False
The picture plane is the surface of a 2 dimensional artwork


True or False
Positive shapes refer to the objects in the artwork

Positive space

True or False
Negative space is the background or space around the work of art


True or False
Repetition occurs when parts are used over and over in a planned way


True or False
All cool colors are made with blue


True or False
A dark value of a color can be made by adding black to the color


True or False
Composition is the empty or open area between, around, or above or within objects

Negative space

True or False
The subject matter is the idea shown in an artwork


True or False
Technique is an artist's way of using art materials such as a special type of shading technique


True or False
Texture can be sensed by touch or sight


True or False
A work of art that has no measurable length, width, and height is 3 dimensional

Has measurable...

True or False
Tints of colors may be created by adding black


True or False
Unity is obtained by repeating colors and shapes- all parts of a design are working to obtain continuity


True or False
Variation is important in a work of art. Variation is the use of different lines, shapes, textures, and colors


True or False
Red and green are examples of complementary colors


presents exterior edges of objects. Line is clean and connect, no shading. More complex versions of this line can imply shading values through exterior outlines, and may have line texture or be contrasted with mixed media

Contour line

A visual path of action, our eyes tend to follow. A connection between two points, can be actual or implied. This subject has different qualities; thick, thin, dark, short and broken. Through this, direction, pattern and texture can be achieved


The character of a surface that is a result of the response of vision to the wavelength of light reflected from that surface. It can have a emotional, psychological and physiological effects


The smallest components of art that can be defined and demonstrated. The building blocks of an artwork

Elements of Art

The surface feel or an object (actual) or the representation of surface character (implied). This can be experienced through broth touch and vision


Balance is achieved by the use of identical compositional units on either side of a vertical axis

Reflection of symmetry

Three dimensional shape that occupies space and has volume


A space with defined area


The area around an object. It can be actual 3D or implied on 2d surfaces

Negative space

A line drawing that is created without looking at the paper instead on concentrates intensely on the item that he is drawing

Blind contiur

________ balance is achieved when unequal units create a sense of equilibrium in the pictorial field without using identical shapes across an axis


_________the range of light and dark on a shape or form that gives the illusion of 3D
