art history exam #3

romanesque arches

an early medieval european style, roman-style rounded arches and heavy construction

post and lintel construction

a horizontal beam supported by a post at either end

flying buttresses

gothic churches, form of support to resist the lateral forces

corbels arches

successive layers of stonework over the doorway, a projecting wall member used to support and reduce the pressure on the structure and allowing the architecture to design and span larger spaces

ionic columns

more feminine and delicate, scrolls

doric columns

simple and masculine

corinthian columns

most ornate order, acanthus leaves


chambers consisting of two or more veritcal stones supporting a large horizontal stone, they were built as tombs


arched form above an enclosed place


the semi circular or triangular arched recess above a doorway, often decorated with carvings

post modern style architecture


golden section/mean

the proportion of the two divisions of a straight edge

standard of ur

shows scenes of war and peace


stone architecture

palette of narmer

produced in ancient egypt, shows unification of upper and lower egypt

tribute money

tax collector, asking for christ to py his taxes and his 12 disciples

kouros figure

left leg forward, grave marker of a young athenian aristocats

cyclades figure

most come from greek graves, associate with funerary rituals

colosseum (roman)

gladitorial combats


dedicated to goddess athena

spear bearer

symmetry and contrapposto- figure standing with most of weight on one foot, shoulders and arms twist off axis


strangled by snake for warning about trojan horse

augustus of primaporta

portrait of augustus, shows his power, ideology, great military victor and supporter of roman religion

aqueducts (rome)

bring water into cities and towns


rules, principles, or standards


changed religion from polytheistic to monotheism


egyptian leaders, buried in pyramids, which are a symbol of the sun shows pharaohs strength and wealth

lapiths and centaurs

metopec on the south side of the parthenon, battle between them

appearance of stained glass

in romanesque cathedrals, colored glass used for windows or decorative applications


destroyed by mt vesuvius


written language used by egyptians

composite view (figure)

part of a figure is shown in profile, other part shown frontally

twisted perspective

part of a figure is shown in profile, other part shown frontally


guardian beast, head of a man, body of a lion, and wings of an eagle


stepped pyramid, in ancient Mesopotamian architecture, a monumental platform for a temple

illuminated manuscript

book made by hand with painted decorations


from Latin verus, true. In art it is a form of realism, contemporary every day subjects matter instead of the heroic legendary realism

pre history

earliest humans, no written records survive


old stone age" themes= survival, fertility, animals, forms= anatomical exaggeration, pictoral definition, twisted perspective


shift from hunting to farming, monumental stone architecture megaliths- made of big stone, themes= human activity, building for community, forms=composite view, mud brick and stone construction, post and lintel, monumental sculpture


established the earliest complex urban societies, city-states, themes= offerings, gods, warfare & hunting, rulers, forms= mud brick construction, natural conceptual treatments of figures, registers of space, hierarchy of scale


European artistic and architectural style of the late sixteenth to early eighteenth centuries, characterized by extravagance and emotional intensity

