Art History Quiz #2


first used in Europe around 1850, at first it had a political style and message; at it's roots it was a political message, not just depicting reality, it was an artistic movement, a philosophy based on empiricism, science, and pragmatism


depicted modern life


recording modern Parisian life captured this constantly changing contemporary world

the Salon

beginning is 1725 was the official government sanctioned art exhibit of the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France


marked the advent of modernism in art, the shift toward abstraction, brought about by impressionism is labeled as the beginning of modernism, it also marks the appearance of avant-garde


a term derived from the French military word meaning "before the group" or "vanguard"; concepts that were and are strikingly new, experimental, or radical nature for their time

en plien air

a French expression which means in the open air; its describes the act of painting outdoors